Chapter 34 - Mine

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I am staring intently at Dmitri, who has just started dancing with Elanor. She adamantly stated that she and Dmitri are not in a relationship and seemed okay with that. Even after smelling Dmitri's 'intimacy' on me, we laughed and joked over champagne. My intuition about her behavior now was telling me she was jealous. But maybe I'm reading too much into it? I don't know. I look down at my plate when I see her arm trail up and around Dmitri's shoulder, her hand snaking into his hair and around his neck at the back.

My gaze is brought back up when I hear someone clearing their throat.

"Sky," Ben says, a smile on his face.

We haven't spoken since last night when I learned he is a werewolf. It wasn't him I was angry with, more my ignorance at not noticing things that now seem so obvious. How huge he is. How in all the years I've known him, he has never been sick, never hurt himself. One time I had asked him to help me move some boxes in the garage at my aunt's place, and he picked up three heavy boxes like they were filled with feathers.

The way he was always able to find me when we played hide and seek, no matter how far I was or how difficult I tried to make it. The way he knew my period had started for the first time when I was thirteen years old. We were together at the mall, and he told me he could smell the blood. At that time, I thought it was normal and always took extra care to put on nice-smelling creams and perfume whenever that time of the month came, just to ensure I didn't smell like blood. I'm mentally punching myself and physically shaking my head at my stupidity.

"Sky, are you okay?" Ben's question brings me out of my thoughts. Everyone always seemed to be asking me this question. It was starting to get annoying.

We once again have an audience. Our table and those close to us watching and listening to our interaction. They must be wondering how a human knows yet another werewolf.

"Hey Ben, yeah, sorry," I say, smiling. 

"How have you been?" I ask him, looking briefly around at those staring, not wanting to get into everything in public.

He looks around, noticing all the eyes on us. "Fine, thanks. Would you like to dance?" he asks, winking at me like he knows I don't want ears listening to our conversation. He also knows I can't really dance.

"Don't worry," he whispers, "you just have to sway and move your feet a bit," he chuckles, his head moving side to side slightly. I laugh, getting up from my chair to join him as we head to the dance floor. His hand is lightly resting on the exposed skin of my lower back.

Mmm, no tingles, I think briefly as we get to the dance floor. It must be a Dmitri thing. Maybe it's because he is a Lycan.

Other couples have joined, each swaying elegantly to the music. I spot Dmitri and Elanor close by, Elanor's body smashed up against Dmitri's as they gracefully move with the music. They look good together. She is taller than me and much slimmer. Dmitri's eyes lock with mine, anger evident in them before he looks at Ben.

Ben grabs my hand, bringing my attention back to him. He pulls me closer, his other hand finding a place around my waist. I place my other hand on his shoulder. Why couldn't I have fallen for Ben? He is certainly good-looking, but my eyes dart back to Dmitri, and nothing compares. Not to mention getting together with Ben would be like committing incest. He is more like a brother.

We are swaying softly to the music, Ben inching us slowly away from the tables to the other side of the room, closer to the wall.

"I'm sorry, Sky. I should have told you I just didn't want to put you in any danger." He seems sincere, a pained look coating his features.

"You don't have to be sorry, Ben. I'm angry at myself for not realizing something was up. The more I think about it, the more obvious everything is. I'm such an idiot." I can't help the laugh that follows.

A comfortable silence falls over us as we move from side to side, staying in this more secluded part of the dance floor.

"Why are you here?" I ask him, curious as to whether he is in a pack like Dmitri is.

"I'm standing in for my Alpha, who couldn't attend as his wife is having a pup. My duty as the second in command of the Shadow Wolves Pack, the military school you thought I was going to," he laughs, and I smile, still kicking myself for my stupidity.

"Why are you here?" The mood turns serious at his question. "And with Dmitri of all Alphas? You know he's a Lycan, right?" There was no missing the warning in his tone.

"He is moving into bordering land, and apparently, there is an agreement in place for him to protect the town folk. Me being part of the town folk means he feels this obligation to protect me, so that's what he is doing. That's all there is between us. And yes, I know he is a Lycan." Talking about the man causes my eyes to search the dance floor, only to meet with a pair of green ones already looking in this direction.

"Protect you from what exactly, Sky?" Ben asks me, worry thick in his voice.

"Hunters. That's what he told me. Apparently, my name has been circulating among them. We're not sure why. But one was caught outside my house the other night."

"Geez, Sky, why didn't you call me or your aunt and uncle? I could have helped you. I should be the one protecting you." He pulls me closer, his face angled down so it is mere inches from mine.

"Well, everything happened so quickly, and I didn't want to put you guys in danger," I respond, trying to pull back slightly, uncomfortable with being this close to Ben.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a large frame approaching us. I look over, my suspicions confirmed, as I see an angry Dmitri making his way through the dancers.

I stiffen, my eyes glued to Dmitri as he stands before us.

Elanor is standing on the other side of the dance floor, slightly pouting, her arms crossed over her chest. People are staring at us.

"Benjamin, I'm cutting in." Dmitri's tone is laced with authority and leaves no room for argument. Ben lets go of my hand and waist, stepping back slowly. I can see he doesn't want to, but from what I understand, an Alphas authority trumps the second in command, and he doesn't have a choice. He also knows me well enough to know I don't want a scene. That will mean more eyes on me, and by the looks of it, we already have quite the audience.

"I'll catch up with you later, Sky," Ben says quietly, retreating.

Dmitri is watching his every move, and as soon as Ben is out of sight, Dmitri grabs my hand, jerking me towards him. My other hand is now lying on his chest.

His hand snakes around my waist, covering the exact spot Ben's hand lay moments ago.

A low growl comes from Dmitri as I hear him whisper, "Mine."

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