Chapter 38 - Paradise

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The last thing I remember was the witch, Raina, gripping my hands. The next minute I'm in a place I know well. As unwelcome as this dream usually is, at least it's familiar, I think, as I'm running in the dark through the woods.

I wish I didn't have to run. The thought floats through my mind, and I immediately stop running.

The brush is thick on either side, and as usual, I sense something is lurking in the dense shrubbery. I can feel its eyes on me. This time though, I'm not afraid. I walk toward the edge of the cliff I have jumped off so many times. As I'm peering into the void, I hear something behind me. I turn around, a cloaked figure emerging from the shadows.

A black snake slithers out of the hole of the cloaked arm, dropping to the floor, hissing as its hood flares. I look back up at the cloaked figure, the hood casting shadows over the face. There is one there, though I cannot see it. The snake slithers forwards, and I take a step back, my foot now at the cliff's edge.

A slight breeze passes over my body. I look down to see my scent mixed with swirls of slate grey and midnight blue smoke. My favorite scents, sandalwood, and pine. This time there is a unique iridescent pattern, a unique scent, joining the slate grey and midnight blue smoke together as it swirls with mine.

"Dmitri," I say, the name spoken causing the snake to hiss.

The hooded figure holds his hand out to me, silently beckoning me to take it. It is big and smooth. It is not Dmitri's, though. I would know his hands from anywhere.

I look at the faceless hooded figure, still not feeling any fear. Nearby, a branch snaps. I look to my side and see Dmitri dressed in the suit he had on for dinner. He has concern written all over his face, making me wonder what is wrong. I want to comfort him. Torn, I look back at the hooded man, his hand still outstretched, the snake by his feet. He intrigues me, and something calls for me to take his hand. Does he have the answers to all my questions?

"Skylar," I hear Dmitri say, his voice bringing my gaze back to him, his hand outstretched.

I look back at the hooded figure before I hear Dmitri's voice again, pain lacing the tone. "Skylar."

He needs me. Decision made, I turn back to Dmitri, taking a step forward. As I grab his hand, little tingles start at our touch and move along my body. I close my eyes, lost in the ecstasy I feel.

"Skylar, wake up, dammit!" I'm jerked awake, Dmitri's face inches from mine, his gorgeous green eyes filled with concern which swiftly turns to relief.

"Why are you shouting at me?" I gently push him back.

He looks dazzling, with half his hair pulled up in a ponytail and the other half left down. It looks windblown, like a surfer. He is wearing a short sleeve light blue button-up shirt, the top couple of buttons open, hinting at the fine body I know is underneath. He is in beige cargo pants that look like they were designed just for him.

Sitting up causes my already-pounding head to go into a full-on hammering frenzy. I lean forward, close my eyes, and cup my head between my hands.

"Owww, how much did I drink?" I ask him, squinting up.

It feels like someone punched me in the head multiple times.

"Here, take this. It will help with the headache." He has a glass of water and two yellow pills in his hands.

As I reach out to take them, I notice my wrists. What the actual fuck. Disbelief washes over me as I hold them up in front of me. The once blotchy brown birthmarks are now two intricate black snakes. Black snakes, like my dream. Coincidental? I think not. Time to ponder it now? I think not also.

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