"Then for your main dish I made you eggs Benedict- and wait let me tell you why. I added meat and fried eggs in it because you need your Folate-Rich Foods and of course the Brussels sprouts and broccoli that you need for your vegetable consumption."

"Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts in Eggs Benedict?" Riley frowned amusingly.

"Oh come on you'll love it." Sam told her with a chuckle and she giggled back.

"Okay I'm not done." Sam continued.

"Yes of course." Riley looked as if she was about to laugh at how incredibly serious Sam was taking this but this was one of the many things that she loved about him.

"I made you a after food thing, their honey roasted walnuts so you can get that brain development down in the bag AND also for dessert I got you peeled oranges and cut apples so you consume some anti-oxidants."

Riley smiled at Sam as he explained what he had made and he beamed as she met his gaze.

"I love you." She said leaning over the tray and getting closer to Sam's face.

"I love you more." Sam whispered as he too, leaned forwards and pressed his lips on hers. It was soft and gentle and they pulled away admiring the joy in each other's eyes.

"Oh and I also put two pieces of dark chocolate since you've been craving chocolate, but you can't have the real thing so I'm getting you the other thing."

"Sam, dark chocolate is the real thing." Riley mumbled with a giggle.

"Nothing compared to Kit Kat." He declared as they kissed once again and Riley began to dive into the delicious breakfast.

The two of them talked away about the most random things and at times Riley attempted to throw pieces of apple at Sam but he caught them just in time. The two enjoyed each other's company in the morning sunshine coming from the window.

Knowing that they would always be there for one another.


Tom raced May down the stairs as the two of them tried to get to the television first, but unfortunately even after being the captain of the soccer team, his sister was much faster in this matter.

"Piece of shit." Tom muttered as May excitedly clutched onto the remote and fell on the couch near the window.

"Loser." She mumbled and Tom rolled his eyes.

It was 5pm in Kingston and it were only these two in the house. Sauce had left much like usual since she knew being around the Holland's at this time of day was definite death, and also because Zendaya's mother was making chocolate cookies for dessert after dinner.

Tom had just come back from a long run with the boys and May was getting bored after getting off her call with Timmy. Both of these two, bored. You can only imagine what catastrophic event would take place.

"I hate you." Tom whispered under his breath and sat down next to her.

"Back at ya buddy." She responded as she flipped through the channels.

The two of them sat in silence as May kept changing the channels unable to find anything suitable to watch.

"Okay this is so fucking boring just give it to me." Tom said irritably and May ignored him. "Come on, hand me the remote."

"No." She said not meeting his agitated gaze.

"Fuck it." He muttered and climbed on top of his sister and started snatching the remote from her hands.

"GET OFF ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" She yelled while extending her arm and moving it around uncontrollably so he wouldn't be able to get it.

Tom got hold of her arm and motioned to snatch the remote out of her hands, but just as he gripped it, May's hand flew sideways and the remote fell out the window.

The two of them shared a look and instantly yelled, "you did it-!"

"No I didn't it was you." May declared.

"No what the fuck if you would have just given it to me this wouldn't have happened." Tom argued and sat back down.

Soon the remote flew back up from the window and hit his head.

"Son of a-" Tom yelped as he scratched his head.

"What the hell." May asked in puzzlement and looked down the window. It was Louis and Divs who were walking on the street on some sort of ice cream date and by the exasperated look on Louis's face he had just thrown the remote in.

"THANKS GUYS!" May yelled waving at them and they waved back.

"NO PROBLEM!" Louis screamed.

"YEAH OF COURSE! LETS JUST HOPE LOUIS DOESNT GET A BRAIN MALFUNCTION AFTER THIS THING HIT HIS HEAD!" Divs also added to the conversation and all three of them broke out into giggles while Tom just scoffed after being harshly targeted on the back of his head.

The three friends waved goodbye and May got back to using the remote. Tom raised his eyebrows at her and she gave in.

"Alright okay, you can have it." She handed him the remote and Tom contentedly switched on the television.

Tom started playing the action movie he had just started yesterday but stopped.

"Hey I have to ask you something." He said turning of the television and turning to his sister.

"Yeah what's up."

"It's about Y/n." He told her and May nodded. "Has she ever- told you guys how she feels about me?"

May frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know I just, I really really like her, and I want to tell her, but I don't know if it's too soon."

"What does 'really really like her' mean?" May asked with a smirk, knowing very well what he meant.

"You know- I just really- " Tom struggled to put it into words even though he knew exactly what to say.

"If you can barely say it to me then how are you going to say it to her."

Tom gulped. "I love her."

May chuckled as Tom put his face in his hands trying not to get too cheesy about it.

"There we go. Just say that to her." May said casually and Tom looked at her.

"It's not that easy."

"Listen." She started. "The way she feels around you, the way she blushes whenever you come two inches closer to her, I know it's not too soon." May put her hand on her brothers shoulder as a form of comfort and he nodded.

"So, what should I do?"

"Tell her you love her."

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