07 - A Twisted Affair

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Victor had been caught out in a lie and he had no choice but to explain, from the very beginning, how the affairs had even came about. He exhaled deeply before detailing the whole story.

"It all started a few months ago." he began, looking at the door behind the officers. "Our marriage was slowly falling to pieces and, unfortunately, Adelaide was exposed to the various arguments and disagreements that went on."

I told you there was something more to their picture-perfect family. I knew all along that something wasn't right. It was too good to be true, as I had suspected.

"These disputes... what were they about?" an officer questioned, hand gliding through his hair.

"Well, we disagreed all the time. Some days it was finances, some days it was about... Adelaide." Victor confessed shyly.

"What about her?" the female asked curiously.

"Her life choices, I suppose. I've always heavily supported Addy with her dreams to pursue fashion. Eleanor always thought she could do bigger and better. We often argued about her occupation and independence." Mr. Briggs explained willingly, appearing to be somewhat frustrated by the information he was giving.

"I see. And was there ever anything else?" the male officer enquired. He looked extremely focused, as if he was trying to piece together a motive.

"Her boyfriend, actually." Victor stated.

Now, finding this out wasn't a surprise to me. They may've acted sweet to my face, but I always knew that, in my absence, they'd have nothing nice to say. After all, I was just an average guy with an under-average wage. I was nothing flash, nothing intriguing. All that I really had was a pretty face to them. Clearly not good enough for their daughter. Even if they knew the trauma Adelaide had caused me to undergo, they still wouldn't view her as anything but their perfect, little angel. There was nothing pure about her.

"We've always disapproved of him, not that he's even been aware of. He's just never been the right match for Addy. I mean, the boy has that much free time that I'm not even certain if he has a job. He's broke! I reckon he only wanted involvement in our family for the riches to pay off his debts. I see no good in him."

"Alright, what about the affairs?" the female officer said, trying to divert attention back to the topic they were focused on originally.

"I had always questioned my sexuality." the doctor began, looking almost embarrassed by the statement. "Of course I'm grateful to have had such a wonderful daughter, but I've never really felt like myself in my relationship with Eleanor. Still, I proposed. I just wanted a perfect life for my family. I was thinking about everyone else, but never myself. And so when things began to get rough with El? I experimented."

Both officers appeared to be in awe of the situation. It was so peculiar and unlike anything they had ever heard of before. For a wealthy, old man to explore his sexuality was almost unheard of. In our community, it was still frowned upon as old beliefs and religion often advised people not to engage in anything other than heterosexual relationships. If anyone was to rebel against these beliefs, it'd be the younger generation - certainly not the older.

"And what about Eleanor?" the male asked curiously as his partner swiftly jotted down all of the surprising information.

"No reason. You know, other than the fact she does ridiculous things for fun. The secrecy and risk is thrilling to her, so I suppose I ruined her fun when we all accidentally bumped into each other." Victor snarled, rolling his eyes slightly as he recalled the memory.

"I say we bring her in, Adams" the female officer suggested, placing her pen back down on the desk.

"Agreed, Wallace" he nodded, pushing out his chair and leaving the room.

Just moments later, Officer Adams entered with Eleanor. She appeared to be insanely aggravated as he tugged on her arm.

"What is the reasoning behind this madness?" she shouted, slapping the officers hands off her.

"We know about the affairs, now do us all a favour and tell us when and how you found out." Officer Wallace insisted as her hands tucked into her arms when she folded them.

"Andrew and I were checking into the hotel just as Victor and the other guy exited for dinner. We found out a couple days ago." Eleanor quickly blurted out whilst flicking her hair behind her shoulder. "You couldn't possibly expect me to be satisfied in one relationship; I don't see why you're so surprised. Victor isn't enough for me."

Victor's eyes narrowed as if the words his wife had just spat were too sour for his tongue. He seemed enraged, yet upset. Perhaps he wasn't expecting those words to leave Eleanor's mouth. "You're unbelievable. At least I did it for love, you did it for fun! You're too promiscuous for your age."

Both Adams and Wallace quickly caught on that a fight was about to brew within the room.
I assumed it would when Eleanor was dragged in; the woman's always been a psychopath. All I could hear after that point was shouting and screaming from where I was sat. I couldn't help but smirk and chuckle to myself. I mean, could you blame me? It was hilarious. An old hag and a stubborn mule bickering is certainly funny.

After what seemed like centuries, their questioning was finally over. It was my turn to play, my dice to roll.

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