Chapter 32: The Captured

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7 years ago

The moon hung softly in the sky, casting a pale glow over the palace walls as Yoongi, now disguised as a doctor, made his way towards the king's chamber. He had managed to infiltrate the palace under the guise of attending to the king's health, his true intentions hidden from prying eyes. It was a risky endeavor, but the urgency of the situation had left him with no choice.

The King treated him with nothing but kindness. The King helped his family at times they needed so much. The King saved him when he almost died.

With much determination to save the man who saved his life and find out what really happened to him, Yoongi entered the dimly lit chamber, and there, he saw the king lying on his bed, his face etched with exhaustion and worry. The room was filled with an eerie stillness, broken only by the soft sounds of the King's labored breathing. The weight of the kingdom's secrets hung heavy in the air.

Yoongi knows something is up. He's more than sure that something is happening to the King behind his back. He finds it suspicious that such a healthy King, who has never become ill, suddenly falls tied to his bed. Suddenly, to Yoongi's surprise, the King's eyes snapped open, filled with a mixture of panic and determination.

The King reached out and grabbed Yoongi by the collar, his grip surprisingly strong for a man weakened by illness.

"Get my son out of here. Save my son from his mother!" the king pleaded, his voice worn out and desperate. His words sent a shiver down Yoongi's spine, the gravity of the circumstances sinking in. He knew he had stumbled upon something far more dangerous than he had anticipated.

Before Yoongi could even respond, the King's grip loosened, and he fell back, losing consciousness once again. Fear and uncertainty swirled within Yoongi's mind as the magnitude of his task processed in his head. There are so much more layers to this. And he needed help, someone he could trust wholly.

With a heavy heart, Yoongi made his way to a hidden corner of the palace where he could reach his closest "friend", Hoseok. Hoseok was known for his unwavering loyalty and unmatched courage, making him the only person Yoongi trusts enough to join him in this treacherous mission.

The two had been through countless ordeals together, forming a bond forged in the fires of hardship. Yoongi knew that Hoseok's bravery and determination were the key to their success, and he wouldn't be able to finish this without him. And so, Yoongi sent a coded message, urging Hoseok to meet him in secret, for the fate of both the kingdoms depended on their brisk action.

Hoseok paced anxiously in his quarters, gliding back and forth with his mind consumed with worry for Yoongi and the risky mission they decided to handle. The information he had received from Yoongi had trembled him to the core. The revelation of the Prince's condition and the alarming situation in the King's chamber had ignited a fire within him—a burning urge to bring justice and ensure the safety of the Prince.

He had always been known for his unwavering courage and bravery, and his willingness to face danger head-on. But this mission felt different. It was personal. The fate of an innocent Prince, trapped in a web of deception and ruthlessness, hung in the balance.

As Hoseok contemplated his next move, his thoughts drifted back to the moment when Yoongi had called him with the urgent plea for help. The desperation in his message was palpable, a plea for Hoseok to join him in this perilous endeavor.

The way Yoongi must have looked pictured in his mind as he recounted the details. "Get my son out of here. Save my son from his mother!" The King's words had been filled with both fear and determination, a desperate plea for the safety of his beloved child.

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