Chapter 31: The Perils of Ire

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"Nice shots, Jungkook! I knew your aims will be good!"
"And victory is ours!"

It was three days after the war, and there had been party after party. Everyone couldn't hide the excitement within their souls from victory.

"Congratulations, General Kang. Your strategy worked out." His commanding officers greeted Taehyun with high pride.

He smiled at them and nodded lightly. "It wouldn't work if not for all of you. Congratulations to our troop leaders and constituents." he clanked their glasses and chugged down his glass of cream. "I'll walk around. See you." Taehyun says politely before he walked away to greet other faes around the center.

"Taehyun's really ignoring me, huh?"

Yeonjun lets out as he was seated on the corner together with his boyfriend and Beomgyu.

"What did you do, again?" Soobin asks, resting his palm on Yeonjun's thigh as he drank a glass.

"He found out about..." Yeonjun tried to answer, but when he looked at Beomgyu seated beside him, he couldn't. "A secret. Yeah, a secret he's very upset about."

"Me, too, Yeonjun." Beomgyu pouts his lips and rests his head on the table, intervals of sighs escaping his lips. "After the battle, I went to hug and thank him for what he did for me," he paused. "But he didn't hug me back. He stood like a stick."

"Is he upset with you—" Soobin tried looking for an answer but was interrupted by a loud groan from Beomgyu. "Maybe he's upset about something you said?"

Beomgyu frowns, whining. "That's impossible! Before the war, we were okay. I was talking to him about how much I trust him on this, and he told me how much he lov—" he stops talking, earning a teasing smirk from Soobin. "Yeah, it's impossible for him to be upset with me."

"Then, maybe he's just out of it? He's ignoring Yeonjun, too." Soobin implies, trying to assure Beomgyu who looked like he was about to cry.

"But he's not ignoring everybody else. Look at him," Beomgyu points at the raven-haired boy talking to everyone with a big smile on his face, even with smile lines under his eyes! "I also knocked on his chamber's door last night to greet him before sleeping, but he just opened the door and said, "Okay.", and then closed the door on me!"

Soobin laughs, "Then maybe he needs space? Yeonjun does that shit on me multiple times a week."

"I just don't get it, Soobin. One second, we're okay. The next, we're not." Beomgyu's eyes looked tired and frustrated, despite laughing with the couple at times.

Yeonjun fell silent. He hadn't spoken a word or two. How can he say it to Beomgyu? Does he know that Hoseok is Taehyun's brother? Does he know?

"I made an effort to cook him breakfast this morning, even though I knew he'd ignore it." Beomgyu pouted his lips and rested his chin upon his palms. "I also tried to hug him before the party, and guess what—he ignored me."

Yeonjun clears his throat, "I'll just go to the restroom. Excuse me,"

"General Kang! Congratulations on our victory!"

Multiple fairies have come up to him to talk and congratulate them on their victory. But he couldn't focus one bit.

His face filled Taehyun's sight. His eyes that Taehyun adored, his hair that he loved to caress, his hands that he yearned to hold.

It was like everything about Beomgyu passed by his head so fast, that heard Beomgyu's voice and how he talks. How his voice sounded like the comfort of his bed. How he spoke like everything had so much meaning to them.

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