Chapter 4: The Disappearance of...

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The Prince only stood there as his hand held out the sword, fear and annoyance showing on his face.

"I guess I would have to tell you the third rule, then."

The General walked to the shelf where the weapons have been sitting, grabbing the dummy that has been there since when. "The third rule is to look good while using your sword. What's the point of fighting if you don't look beautiful while doing it, right?"

Then, he gripped on his sword's handle, swaying it in every angle, aiming the dummy in front of him. His eyes and the way it was burning with passion as he "wounded" the dummy was surely impressive.

It made Beomgyu envy the General and how his passion was showing as he was doing something he obviously loves. The once dummy with its whole body now had multiple cuts on its neck, arms, chest, and legs. The General pierced his sword through the dummy's "heart", now ending the fight with a lifeless dummy.

"Did you see that? I looked cool, didn't I?"

He wiped the sweat beading on his face as he felt too worked up with the so-called duel with a dummy. Beomgyu only frowned, not responding to the General's word, not agreeing nor disagreeing. Just silence. "Now, I want you to fight me. Preferably, make me end up wounded. It feels accomplishing when you see your opponent feel like dying because of you." He said, hitting the edge of Beomgyu's sword, smiling.

"Is being scared a valid reason to back out?" Beomgyu asked firmly, not feeling embarrassed at admitting that he was in fear.

The General couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity. "What will you learn if you keep being scared? You will have to learn how to battle regardless as you are a fairy and not everything is about our magic." The General said, nodding his head at Beomgyu, signaling him to start swaying his sword and apply the third rule. It was Taehyun's priority and complete his task.

The General sneered at Beomgyu as they both concluded a high guard, and Beomgyu threw an overhand cut. The other parried quickly. Beomgyu earned a cut on the right side of his hip from the sudden move from his opponent, and the General again parried. The two moved, back and forth, until, Beomgyu realized he wasn't dead yet. The Prince already felt satisfied at that.

He started to think rather than react. The opponent kept hurling overhand cuts and luckily, Beomgyu was able to block them all. How he's doing it is surprising him.

With the next cut, Beomgyu threw his hands up and parried high, with the point of his sword towards the General'a face, pleasure at his success, he nearly missed the moment to thrust, but thrust he did. Surprised, the other leaped backward, slapping Beomgyu's blade aside. The Prince did not fight the blow, but turned the deflection and swiftly planted a cut at his lips.

The General smirked at the attack Beomgyu did.

"Be honest, did you train before?" Beomgyu did not respond and sneered back. He parried and cut against Beomgyu's thighs.

The Prince dodged to the side, throwing a crooked cut at the General's hands. He stared at his waist in shock, falling to the ground while the his hand was gripping on his sword. Wasting no time gawking himself, Beomgyu walked towards the General and pressed in, keeping his blade against the other's chest to close the line. And then, he pressed the point of his sword against his throat. The General glared at Beomgyu.

To the Prince's surprise, the General quickly stood up from the ground and pushed Beomgyu. His annoyance after almost losing smoldered, flaring hotter anytime he felt like losing. He studied Beomgyu at the moment and how he fights. The two closed, and he cut at Beomgyu's waist. Beomgyu parried, but he simply changed the cut into a jab.

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