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Once upon a time, in an island far, far away, unbeknownst to most civilizations, there established two kingdoms residing fairies. One labeled themselves to be benevolent and the other malevolent.

Both had good power and resources, to say the least. One was rich in charcoal and mines while the other was prosperous in water and oil. Their reserves and amount of riches proclaimed the power of their territories.

The said kingdoms are divided with a border in between the island far away from the eye. Although, the kingdom that affirms to be benevolent hid its deepest, most shameful secret;

the wingless Prince. 

The Kingdom of Hearth ordained to hide the boy away once he turned 12 when the growth of his wings did not come through. He was shunned. Belittled. Rejected. Disregarded. Neglected, treated as if he was a nonentity.

The boy watched in anguish as the creatures like him took flight, forged wonders and families of their own. . . While he was locked away in his chamber, all alone, with little to no happiness to feel and no one to share his heart with. He smiles bitterly, thinking about how he used to be so pampered as a child and how it's so distinct from now.

His feet barely touched the ground as servants hauled him most of the time. And when he entered the young age of 9, his family, the sovereign leaders of their kingdom, speculated that this little boy would never grow his wings. That he would be a disgrace if the fairies from the other side of the island would look down on them once they find out and steal their resources.

Though they waited until he turned 12 (the most common age for fairies like them to evolve), they were faced with disappointment as his wings did not grow no matter how patiently they waited.

So, they did what they thought was right.

They hid the boy away and tortured him mercilessly. Bags of blood each day and night with his loud cries of despair while they slept comfortably at dusk with no remorse.

When their people began to wonder where the Prince was a few months after his disappearance, it was when his family decided to announce that he was a disgrace.

A shame.

That he is a disgrace, that he shouldn't and never will be honorable because he's not like them. He doesn't deserve what they have. His family tortured the poor boy as the fairy commoners they govern grew and possessed prettier wings, creating names for themselves while the wingless fairy Prince was here, closed off inside the fortress, suffering, tortured, and bleeding.

All he could do was listen through their judgments as he had no right to speak for himself because all he was is nothing but a wingless fairy.

As the said boy turned 22, ten years after he was locked away, bitterness, resentment, and anger grew in his heart.

He knows he carries no courage to run away from the kingdom and the family he's resented the most.

He knows he's a coward to even try. He couldn't do anything to protect himself.

The Kingdom of Hearth insisted to be benevolent when all they truly were are vicious, lethal majesties who established a magnificent "mask" they wear to deal with the people they govern to hide their ugly truths to create a promising and respectable image. 

While the wingless Prince was imprisoned inside the fortress' territory, all he did was survive and be handled by "tutors" who "taught" him how to battle and combat by ground as he couldn't fly. But all they truly did was lock him up, drown him in water for the night and hit him with metal belts. No one is and no one will be there to save him.

Still being alive is a surprise, really.

In all of the population in their kingdom, they were taught that the from the other side of the island are fairies like they were but there dwelled malevolent and harmful fairies. They were told that it is not safe to even be meters close to the Mists. However, that didn't appall him the way as their ancestors have. . . What terrified him the most is his own kingdom, his chamber, and the fortress.

How its beauty hides the suffering he's endured and is still enduring. He couldn't hate fairies he's never met as much as he did with his home.

It is agonizing for him to endure such torture.

Whenever it was nighttime and the village of fairies have closed off their eyes, the sovereign orders those who are lower in position to maim and make the boy suffer without dying. They said that it was his payment for being such dismay to their lineage and the whole kingdom, and he gladly accepts each strike.


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