Chapter 17: The Blue

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"Thank you, dearest. Please, do not knock on the door as I rest. Do not knock until I open it myself, alright?"

She had gone to the room and slammed the door close, hitting her back against the surface as her eyes wandered warily around her chamber.

The second she had woken up this morning, a shadow crossed in front of her eyes, like a wolf watching its prey and dawdle until it becomes vulnerable.

Gliding slowly towards her bed, she silently knelt down and pulled a box under her bed, cautiously looking about the space. Once she saw that no one else was there, she quickly removed the latch of the box with the keys hidden in her chest garment.

When the box opened, she hastily snatched the pen and paper inside and rushed to sit on her bed, writing what she knows she needs to do.

'Whatever happens and whatever you hear, preserve the kindness inside of you. Remember that I love you and your brother and I can never do anything that would cause you both harm and agony.

Do not harbor anger and wrath once you hear what you crave to know.

And when you come to a situation where you need to choose to be right or to be kind, choose to be kind.

Because that's how I raised you to be.'

A tear had stained the edge of the paper as she was writing with the letters looking like tangles. Her heart aches for what she fears is about to happen, but what else can she do?


Taehyun distanced himself once again. Not that he's hiding deep anger against Beomgyu, but his heart's been acting up so bad that he thought that by keeping a gap between them, he'll get over whatever this is.

"Is something wrong..? You still haven't picked up the spoon after sitting with me. Do you not like the food?" Beomgyu asked with sincere curiosity. They sat down together for breakfast yet Taehyun hasn't touched anything since 20 minutes ago. His eyes were looking at nowhere.

"Oh... Sorry. I do like the food. I just spaced out," He awkwardly answers and hesitantly picks up the spoon and fork, eating calculatedly. The awkwardness burning in him made him uneasy the longer he sits here.

He never encountered this sensation before. It was hard to understand and he knows no way of helping himself in this circumstance. The crisis had kept him up all night and it makes his heart always feel nervous. He kept him up all night. He made his heart feel nervous.

Beomgyu raises his brows yet didn't bother to ask anything else. Silence filled the air until the servant spoke, "General Kang, you have a scheduled voyage to the Island of Elvgolsle."

The General nods his head once and smiled at the servant a little before he took a sip from his water.

"Taehyun." Beomgyu called.

The other looks at him deliberately and widens his eyes, like asking why he has been named. "I've been wondering... Where is the Queen? I haven't seen her since a week ago..."

Taehyun stays silent and took a deep breath, "She said not to knock on her door. It was a strict order."

"But, aren't you going to check on her? Last week, she said she'd meet me last night as she was going to tell me something, yet she didn't show up,"

Taehyun chokes with his food from the sudden realization of the situation, followed by rough coughs. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Beomgyu grabbed a glass of water and handed it to Taehyun.

It took him seconds to recover from the sudden peak of emotions when Beomgyu uttered about what might have happened to her mother. How could he not be alarmed? She has never gone down to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Not even to fulfill her duties.

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