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Luna looked at the calendar on her phone, she looked at it, and it had been nine months since Luna and Charlotte became friends. It's almost summer break as well. Luna got a notification from Charlotte. She went to check what they said.

Charlotte: "Hey! I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me." they said.

Luna saw it and thought.

Luna's thoughts: "I mean, I have nothing else to do, so why not? Right?" She said to herself.

Luna sent a message to Charlotte saying, "Yeah, sure! Why, though?" Luna asked. Charlotte: "I just thought we needed to see a movie together!" they said. Luna: "Okay then. I'll get ready then." she sent.

Luna got up from her bed and stretched. She got out her new clothes so she could wear them today.

Luna's thoughts: "why would they want to hang out with me? Don't they have other friends? I mean, I'm okay hanging out with Charlotte, but they must have friends. I don't because I'm not like those people." she said.

Luna got ready and texted Charlotte.

Luna: "Hey Char, I'm ready to go!" she sent. Charlotte: "Okay! I will tell my mum. I'll text you when," they replied.

Luna's thoughts: "I guess I could wait outside. Kind of nervous." she said.

Luna went downstairs, and before she opened the door, her mom spoke to her.

Luna's mom: "where you going?" she asked. Luna: "I'm just going to wait outside." she said, sounding scared. Luna's mom: "who are you waiting for?" she asked. Luna: "just Charlotte." she said.

Luna's thoughts: "please don't get mad. Please don't yell. Please don't hit me." she said.

Luna's mom: "why didn't you tell me!" she yelled. Luna: "Charlotte just messaged me about it." Luna said.

Luna's thoughts: "oh no she yelled. I need a backup plan." she said.

Luna's mom: "you know what that means, Luna." she said.

Luna ran back upstairs, terrified. Luna's mom got something to throw at her. It took a while to run upstairs for Luna. She was having trouble. Luna's mom threw something at her.

Luna's thoughts: "Shit! I have to keep going!" she said.

Luna finally got up to her room and locked the door, and went to her window. She opened it and made something quickly so she could get down. The rapidly knocking on her door scared her. She managed to get down on the ground. Luna soon went to Charlotte's door. She started banging the door rapidly so she could get inside. Luna didn't have much time.

Charlotte's Point of view: "Yeah! So can you take us to the movies?" they asked their mom. Melissa: "Yes, I can if you do your chores, Charlotte." she said. Charlotte: "Yes, I promise-" they got interpreted by the door. Melissa: "who could that be?" she asked. Charlotte: "I'll answer it." they said.

Charlotte opened the door to see Luna there. Luna fell into their arms. Luna had tears in her eyes. She was happy that it wasn't too late. She was pleased that Charlotte finally opened the door.

Charlotte: "Woah! What happened?" they asked, concerned. Luna: "it was just my mom." she said. Charlotte: "what did she do?" they asked. Luna: "she threw something at me. I couldn't see it because I was in a rush." she said. Melissa: "who's at the door?" she asked. Charlotte: "it's just Luna, mum!" She yelled.

Melissa went to see them. She saw Luna crying on Charlotte's shoulder.

Melissa: "oh no! What happened, dear?" she asked Luna. Luna stopped being in Charlotte's arms and whipped off her tears. Luna: "sorry, I'm fine! Just a home problem." she said. Melissa: "oh, I'm so sorry!" She said. Luna: "thanks, but it was fine, just a bruise." she said.

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