The fight

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It was already Monday, and Luna knew it would be a bad day. She started counting to five and then got up. Once she got done changing her clothes, Luna heard her doorbell ring. She went to check it, and it was Charlotte, as usual.

Charlotte: "Hey there! Ready for school?" They asked. Luna: "Not yet! I have to get my backpack, and you know some of the usual." she said. Charlotte: "okay! Hurry up!" they said.

Luna went back upstairs, where her backpack was. She grabbed it and remembered she had to get her computer. Luna grabbed it and placed it in her bag. She finally went downstairs to see Charlotte still standing outside waiting for her.

Charlotte: "you got your backpack! You ready to go now?" they asked. Luna: "yeah, I am. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to go." she said. Charlotte: "Well, unfortunately for you, you're going with me!" They said happily. Luna: "yeah, it's kind of a good thing too." she said. Charlotte: "anyway! Let's go now!" they said impatiently. Luna: "Okay! Okay!" she said.

They both started running to school as if It was a competition. Luckily for them, they didn't go to school late. They then started walking into the halls until they saw Dakota. Once Luna saw her, she knew it was going to go downhill.

Charlotte: "Hey, Dakota!" They said. Dakota: "Hey Charlotte!" she said. Charlotte: "This is my friend Luna!" They said. Dakota looked at Luna with a disgusted look. Luna: "Wow, you didn't like my presence. How rude." she said.

Dakota then grabbed Charlotte's hand and started to talk to them privately.

Dakota: "Why are you friends with a freak like her?" she asked angrily. Charlotte: "What's wrong with being friends with her?" they asked. Dakota: "Are you fucking kidding me?" she asked. Charlotte: "No, I'm not." they said.

They both went back to see Luna and speak to her.

Luna: "Well, it's nice meeting you again, Dakota." she said. Dakota: "What are you talking about?" she asked. Luna: "It's cute how you're playing dumb." she said sarcastically. Charlotte: "What is happening?" they asked curiously. Luna: "Well, you see, 'mommy's girl' over here is a bully." Dakota: "How am I being a bully?" she asked. Luna: "Really? Going to play the dumb card again?" She asked, then sighed. Luna: "So all those years of bullying me was a fake?" she asked. Dakota: "Well yeah, you're just trying to lie to make me look bad!" she yelled. Luna: "People have videos of you bullying me, and if you ask people from the school, they'll know what fucking happened. I'll make sure you'll suffer like what you did to me." Luna retorted. Luna: "I would have a fucking fight with you right now. That's not going to happen because you're too much of a pussy to fight, and I rather not waste time on a person like you." she said. Luna then stormed off to go to her class.

Dakota: "I can't believe she lied! she's just a horrible friend; you shouldn't be friends with her anymore!" She said beggingly. Charlotte: "Stop it! I can choose my friends; stop being so fucking controlling!" Dakota: "I'm just trying to look out for you!" she yelled. Charlotte: "No, you aren't! You have bullied her for years, and this is how you act when I'm here? You know you're such a bitch; why did I even be friends with you." They snarled. Dakota: "wait!-" she said until she got cut off by Charlotte. Charlotte: "No! Don't talk to me anymore, Dakota." they said.

Charlotte ran to catch up with Luna. They looked everywhere in the halls, but they didn't see her. They then went to their class, and they saw her. They went inside and sat where they always sat next to her.
There was silence until they spoke.

Charlotte: "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened." they said. Luna: "Whatever." she said, upset. Charlotte: "I'm not going to be friends with her anymore!" They said. Luna: "Okay." she said. Charlotte: "Why are you being like this?" they asked. Luna: "hm, I don't know; probably she pissed me off." she said. Charlotte: "I get that, but why are you upset at me?" they asked. Luna: "Look, I'm not. Whatever you do wouldn't stop her from bullying me." she said. Luna: "Besides whatever you did when I left, she probably wants me to be more gone than ever." she said.

When school ended, they decided to walk home together as an everyday routine. Once they got out of the front of the school, Dakota came back.

Dakota: "Hey, wait up!" she yelled. Luna: "Don't even try to be a part of this." she said. Dakota: "I was thinking we should walk together!" she said to Charlotte. Charlotte: "I already told you, Dakota, I'm not going to be friends with you anymore. I also told you not to talk to me anymore!" they said. Dakota: "It's because of her, isn't it!" she yelled. Charlotte: "No! It's because you lied to me!" they shouted back. Dakota: "I only did that because I didn't want you to believe her! We've been friends since we were kids, and now you're just going to throw those years away!" she yelled. Charlotte: "Yes, I am, actually. You have always treated me like I was your fucking partner! I'm not! Whenever you see me hanging around with my friends, you pull me away from them!" they yelled. Dakota: "All I'm trying to do is to protect you!" she exclaimed. Charlotte: "Just stop being a bitch, Dakota. I'm not your friend anymore, so stop annoying me." they said

When people out of the school heard them yell, they started to record the whole thing. Once Charlotte and Dakota's fight stopped, Charlotte grabbed Luna's hand again and walked away from all of them. Once, they both walked away from the crowd. Luna spoke.

Luna: "I'm sorry if I caused this." she said. Charlotte: "Don't blame yourself for what you didn't do." they said. Luna: "I knew I shouldn't have come to school if I didn't then-" she said until Charlotte interpreted her. Charlotte: "Just stop blaming yourself. It was her fault, not yours!" they yelled. Luna: "Yeah, I'm sorry." she said. Charlotte: "Let's just ignore that this has happened! She's not with us right now." they said. Luna: "Yeah, you're right." she said.

They both were now in front of Luna's house. Luna opened the door to her house.

Luna: "Well, I guess I'll be going then." she said; Charlotte then grabbed lunas wrist and spoke. Charlotte: "Wait!" they yelled while being flustered. Luna: "Yeah, what is it?" she asked. Charlotte: "I love you." they said. Luna: " I love you too." she said.

She let go of charlottes hand and shut the door with Charlotte standing outside.

Charlotte's P.O.V: "Why did I say that? I'm such an idiot! Maybe if she doesn't think I like her like that. The thing is I do like her in that way." they said while walking to their house.

When Luna closed the door, Charlotte went to her house. With Luna, her face was all red. She covered her face and sat behind her door. She put her arms around her legs, making them close to her chin.

Luna's P.O.V: "Do they mean it in that way? No, I'm overreacting. They like me in a friendly way. Right?" She said to herself.

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