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Luna woke up and decided to do some things so she could feel better to practice. Luna's friend and two cousins will practice at her house. Luna went to the garage and started to clean it. They were going to come over at 2:00 pm; the time right now is noon. So Luna has two hours to clean.

Luna's thoughts: "It's going to be weird; I haven't been in contact with them for a while. It's at this point because I pushed the people I love the most away, or they moved me away. I guess that's understandable. I'm not a person who is one of those popular girls or wants to be in those types of clothes that they wear." she said.

Luna was close to being done cleaning. They need all the space because they will be bringing their instruments. Luna is going to be the lead singer and play the bass.

Luna's thoughts: "I wonder if everything will turn out okay. I hope so. Oh, that's right! I have to write the script since I'm the lead singer. I could write it until I finish the cleaning. I need a few stuff to pick up, and then I'll work on it," she said.

It was right at 1:30 pm when she got done cleaning everything up. There was free space for the instruments and people being here.

Luna: "finally, all done! I need to get my computer and write the script even though it's just writing the song I chose." she said.

Luna went out of the garage upstairs into her room. She grabbed the computer and went back. Luna got a chair to sit down on and a desk to write on. It was when she got finished by it at 2:00 pm when they'll be coming over. Luna heard a knock at the door and went to answer it.

?: "hey emo!" they said happily. Luna: "oh, of course, it's just you, Robin." she said. Robin: "yeah! I got the drums, so do you mind if I start bringing them and setting them up?" Robin asked. Luna: "no, I don't mind at all! I need to open the garage." she said. Robin: "great!" Robin said.

Robin went to get the drums while Luna went to open the garage door. Robin brought in the drums and started to practice on them. Luna began to wait for her cousins to come over. Eventually, they did.

Zach: "oh wow, it's been so long, hasn't it?" he said. Luna: "yeah, it has!" she said.

They both hugged each other. Zach looked at Robin.

Zach: "who's that?" he asked. Luna: "oh, that's my friend. They play the drums since the song that I chose has the drums, and they're the only other friend I know that places the drum." she said. Zach: "that was a lot of information." he said. Luna: "ill introduce you to them." she said.

Zach and Luna approached Robin.

Luna: "Robin, this is Zach. He plays the piano. Zach, this is Robin. They play the drums, as I mentioned before." she said. Robin: "it's nice to meet you!" they said. Zach: "it's nice to meet you too!" he said.

They both shook hands with a greeting.

Luna: "all we need is Abby." she said. Robin: "who's that?" they asked. Luna: "Abby is the one who's going to play the guitar. She is also Zach's sister." she said. Zach: "hey! Could you not make it sound like that? We get along with each other!" he said, embarrassed. Luna: "yeah, it's just been a while." she said. Zach: "yeah, it has." he said. Luna: "look, there she is!" she yelled.

Luna went running towards her. Abby hugged Luna.

Abby: "oh my God, it's been so long you've changed!" Abby said. Luna: "yeah, well, you've changed a lot too! When I remembered you, you were small and friendly! You still are but not that small anymore." she said. Abby: "oh, stop it!" Abby said jokingly.

They both got back to the garage to talk to Robin and Zach.

Luna: "Abby, this is Robin. They play the drums, as you're already seeing right now." she said. Abby: "nice to meet you, Robin!" Abby said happily. Robin: "it's nice to meet you too!" they said. Abby and Robin shook hands.

Robin: "so have you made the script already?" they asked Luna. Luna: "yeah, I got it right here." Luna said.
Robin: "okay, you guys ready to practice!" They said excitedly. Luna: "yeah, I need to get my bass. Real quickly," she said. Robin: "okay, hurry! We only have six hours left!" they yelled. Luna: "yeah, I will."

The band starts at eight, so they have plenty of time to practice, restart, and get it right. Luna went upstairs to look for her bass and eventually grabbed it and returned it to the garage.

Luna: "Okay! I got it!" she said. Robin: "Okay, are all of you ready?" they asked. All of them: "yeah!" they said. Luna: "now let's practice!" she said excitedly.

They started to practice, and sometimes they would mess up, but it was okay because they would take breaks and memorize the music. Melissa went to see Luna's house and went over. Melissa saw them taking a break.

Melissa: "hey, there, kid." Melissa said to Luna. Luna: "hey, Melissa. We're just working on it." she said. Melissa: "yeah, I can tell. Can I hear you guys perform like right now?" Melissa asked. Luna: "yeah, sure, but I'm not that great at singing." she said. Luna's friend and cousin: "What! You're a good singer!" they all said. Luna chuckled. Luna: "Thanks." she said. Luna: "I guess we could play one more time. Hopefully, this one will be good." she said.

Luna got her bass and went up to the microphone. Robin, Abby, and Zach started to get ready.

Luna: "Okay, ready?" she asked. All: "Yeah!" they said. Luna: "three, two, one!" she yelled.

They started playing 'step on me' by the Cardigans. Luna, Robin, Abby, and Zach haven't had to restart or do it over. They did it all perfectly.

Melissa: "Wow! That was amazing!" Melissa said. Luna: "Thanks." she said. Melissa: "you need to stop doubting yourself, Luna. You're a great singer!" Melissa said. Luna: "Yeah, the band starts in ten minutes, so we should begin to." she said. Melissa: "right, let's go." Melissa said.

They all went into Melissa's car. Luckily, they made it in time. They were waiting until it was their turn to go.

Melissa: "will you be okay out there?" she asked Luna. Luna: "yeah, I think I will. I'm pretty sure we'll do great!" Luna said. Melissa: "I know you have social anxiety, so I'm just making sure." she said. Luna: "mhm, I know." Luna said. Melissa: "do you mind if I recorded?" She asked. Luna: "I don't mind." Luna said. Melissa: "okay! I'll see you guys at the front." She said. Luna: "Right!" Luna yelled.

A couple of minutes passed, and they called out their name. It was now their turn to play in front of an audience. Luna shook as they were on stage; her heart beat fast until she finally managed to get the courage.

Luna: "three, two, one go!" she yelled.

They started playing, making sure they didn't miss anything. Melissa watched them perform.

Melissa's thoughts: "I can't wait to show Charlotte this when they return." she said.

Luna, Abby, Robin, and Zach got done with the band competition.

Abby: "we practice eight hours for this. We should win!" Abby said. Robin: "if we don't, I'll be so upset!" Robin said.

Melissa came over.

Melissa: "you all did so great!" Melissa said to them. Zach: "thanks, but we couldn't have done it without Luna." he said. Luna: "come on, you don't have to say that!" She said. Abby: "really! You're the best! We might even win because of you!" Abby said. Luna: "thank you, guys. You're too kind." she said.

The people who made the band competition came up to the stage to announce the winners. They called Luna's group. They were the first winner.

Abby: "oh my God!" Abby said excitedly. Robin: "We did it!" they said.

Luna and her team went up to the stage. People from the crowd were cheering for them. Luna felt happy. Melissa took a picture of them.

After finishing the competition, they returned to Melissa's car to return home. Melissa dropped Robin, Abby, and Zach off, and Luna last.

Melissa: "You had fun, Luna?" Melissa asked. Luna: "yeah, I did. I felt nervous going up in front of a crowd, but I eventually forgot about it and decided to perform." she said. Melissa: "that's great! Anyway, I'll see you later or soon." Melissa said. Luna: "Yeah, you too." she said.

Luna went inside her house and went to her room upstairs.

Luna's thoughts: "the thing is she won't see me next month." she said.

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