Going away

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Charlotte's thoughts: "today's when I will leave to go to my dad's house. How am I going to tell her? She has abonnement issues. I can tell in just going to be gone for three months. Hopefully, she'll be okay. I hope so." they said.

Charlotte sent a message to Luna, saying. "Hey, Let's, go to the library together!" Charlotte sent. Luna's note: "The library? Why?" she asked. Charlotte's statement: "I have nothing else to do, so why not go to the library?" they said. Luna's message: "okay fine! You know the usual stuff I have to do." she said. Charlotte's message: "Right! Just knock at my door when you're ready to go!" Charlotte sent. Luna's message: "Yeah! I will!" she sent.

Luna got off her phone right as she sent the message. Luna got off her bed and grasped her things. She didn't bring anything with her, just that she went to Charlotte's house. Luna knocked on the door, waiting. Charlotte opened the door; they were wearing casual clothes; as for Luna, she was wearing her regular baggy clothes.

Charlotte: "Yay! you're here!" they said happily. Charlotte hugged Luna and then stopped. Luna: "What's with the hug?" she asked curiously. Charlotte: "Just for a memory." they said. Charlotte: "Let's go now!" they said. Luna: "Okay then-" she stopped.

Charlotte grabbed her hands and took her. They walked together to go to the Library.

Luna: "Did you know it's been eleven months since we met?" she asked. Charlotte: "really? I thought it was more. It doesn't feel like eleven months. I guess it's because we've been hanging out with each other, so it doesn't feel like it's eleven months." they said. Luna: "yea, but surprisingly we're barely on the first month of summer break." she said. Charlotte: "yeah." they said. Luna: "is something wrong?" she asked. Charlotte: "no, it's nothing!" they said. Luna: "okay!" she said.

They were now in front of the Library.

Charlotte: "you ready?" they asked. Luna: "yeah, don't worry!" She said.

Once they went inside, some of their classmates were there. Luna could feel the whispers when they were looking. She started shaking. Charlotte noticed.

Charlotte: "it's okay! I'm here! Pretend they're not here." they whispered. Luna: "kind of hard to do that, but I'll try." she whispered back.

Luna started to pretend they weren't there, only looking at Charlotte. Charlotte and Luna sat at a table that was close to them. The workers gave both of them crayons and paper to color on it.

Luna: "Oh my god! crayons! Yay!" she said excitedly. Charlotte: "you like drawing?" they said while smiling. Luna: "Yeah! I love drawing. It's one of my hobbies. I still draw but not as much, you know?" she said. Charlotte: "Yeah, I get you." they said.

Luna started drawing on paper; she drew anything she could think of, but sometimes her mind would go blank. As for Charlotte, they placed their elbow on the desk and their hand up to their cheek. Charlotte watched her draw. There were a bunch of whispers talking about them. They said, "Why are they hanging around with that loser?" one said. "Are they dating?" the second said. "I can't believe the 'new kid' is hanging around with them." the third said. "Don't they know what she is?" the fourth said.

Charlotte heard the whispers, and it annoyed them. They wanted to say something to them; it upset Charlotte to listen to those things they were talking about Luna. Charlotte couldn't because they were in a library. If they weren't, then Charlotte would've.

Luna: "Look!" she said happily.

Luna was showing Charlotte the drawing she had finished. It was a sketch of Charlotte. Charlotte grabbed the paper to see it.

Charlotte: "Woah! This is amazing!" they said gratefully. Luna: "thank you, but it's just the sketch, after all. I need to do the coloring and the outline. Then it'll be amazing!" she said.

Charlotte's thoughts: "wow, seems like she's up to drawing it. I should check the time." they said.

Charlotte checked the time, and it showed 7:20 pm. The Library closes at 10:50 pm.

Charlotte's thoughts: "I don't have much time." they said

Charlotte's phone started ringing; they went to check who was calling them. It was their dad.

Charlotte: "Hey, my dad is calling. I have to pick this up." they said to Luna. Luna: "Yeah, that's fine, go ahead!" she said.

Charlotte went outside the Library and answered the phone call.

Charlotte's dad: "Hey, kiddo, when am I going to pick you up?" he asked. Charlotte: "around 11:30 Pm." they said. Charlotte's dad: "Okay, I'll be there." he said. Charlotte: "yeah, okay. Bye, dad." they said. Charlotte's dad: "Bye." he said. They both hugged up.

Charlotte went back inside the Library and saw a bunch of people crowding Luna. Charlotte went to see what was happening.

The first one: "Get away from the 'new kid' lesbian freak," they said. Luna: "why does It matter?" she asked. The first one: "Because people like you shouldn't spread it around." they said. Charlotte: "Hey, leave her alone." they said. The first one: "You should get away from her. She's a lesbian-" they got cut off. Charlotte: "I don't care, so you either leave or something else happens," they said, giving the first one a death stare. The first one: "Okay, fine, whatever." they said.

They walked away. Luna smiled.

Luna: "thank you so much." she said. Charlotte: "yeah, it's no problem." they said. Luna: "No, generally, thank you so much, Charlotte. You did so much for me. I don't know how I should repay you." she said. Charlotte: "you don't have to. How about we get out of here since the Library will close?" They asked. Luna: "yeah, sure!" she said.

Luna and Charlotte walked out of the Library and started walking home. They were now at the house. The time was 10: 50 pm.

Charlotte: "I have to tell you something before you go." they said. Luna: "Sure, what is it?" she asked. Charlotte: "The thing is, I won't be here until the first day of school starts. I'm staying at my dad's house. The house is pretty far, so I won't be seeing you. I'm so sorry." they said.

Luna's thoughts: "Please let this be a dream. I don't want them to leave me. They can't leave me, no, no, no, no! Why does this always happen to me? My friends always leave me," she said.

Luna: "it's okay. I can wait three months." she said, lying. Charlotte: "Thanks, Luna." they said.

Charlotte's dad came to pick up Charlotte.

Charlotte's dad: "come on, kiddo!" he said. Charlotte: "Looks like I'm going before I go here." they said.

Charlotte held Luna's cheek and kissed her on the cheek.

Charlotte's dad: "hurry up!" he yells hurriedly. Charlotte: "give me a second!" they shouted back.

Charlotte: "Can I also have the drawing you drew of me? Just a little reminder of you." they asked. Luna: "oh, yeah, sure, here." she said.

Luna gave Charlotte the drawing she drew of her.

Charlotte: "Thank you, bye." they said. Luna: "Bye." she said quietly.

Charlotte went inside their dad's car and drove away. Luna couldn't believe it; she went inside her house, sat behind the door, and started crying uncontrollably.

Luna: "I knew this would've happened! Why am I such an idiot? I hate this! Why did I have to get the most important person taken away? That isn't fair!" She yelled.

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