The problem

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It was a rainy day, and Luna had woken up to a cold. She then turned around to where her phone was. She then messaged Charlotte that she had a cold.

Charlotte replied, "Do you need anything? I can help!" they sent. Luna replied, "Yeah, get me some fucking medicine and some food since I have none." she sent.

Charlotte got dressed so they wouldn't get a cold; they ran out of their house to go to the grocery and get medicine. Charlotte then went inside the grocery store, and they went to the medicine section.

Helper: "Hi is there anything you need?" they asked. Charlotte: "Yeah, I do. My friend has a cold. Where is the medicine for them?" they asked. Helper: "Yeah, it's right over here!" they said.

They then showed Charlotte where the medicine was. Charlotte then grabbed four brands of them.

Charlotte: "I want to buy these." they said. Helper: "Oh, okay!" they said.

The helper scanned the four brands of medication that Charlotte got.

Helper: "here you go!" they said, giving the medication bag to Charlotte. Charlotte: "Thank you!" they said.

Charlotte then went into the snack section and got a bunch of them. They then headed to the cashier and started running to Luna's house.

Charlotte's P.O.V: "That's it! I'm going to tell her that I meant I didn't mean it in a crush type of way. The thing is I like her in that way. I should still tell her the truth, right?" they said to themselves.

They then were in front of Lunas' house they knocked. Luna's mother was home because Luna had texted her that she was sick.

Luna's mother: "Luna, can you go get that!" she yelled. Luna: "Fine!" she yelled back.

As Luna went downstairs to open the door, she saw Charlotte there.

Luna: "Oh my God, you got my stuff!" she said excitedly. Charlotte: "Yeah, I did! Sorry if I took long." they said. Luna: "It's no worries. I hope you don't mind if my mom is here. I texted her because I needed her to help me, but she's just here to do my chores for me." she said. Charlotte: "it's fine!" they said. Luna's mother: "Luna, who was that at the door?" she asked. Luna: "It was just my friend." she said. Luna's mother: "Is it Michael?" she asked. Luna: "No, mom, remember Michael is out of this place he moved. He won't be coming back not until tomorrow. My new friend, I made a new friend, their name is Charlotte." she said. Luna's mother: "Okay! I'll leave you two be!" she said.

Luna then let Charlotte inside the house. They both went upstairs to where Luna's room was.

Luna: "can you give me my things, please?" she asked. Charlotte: "Yeah! Sure!" they said.

Charlotte gave luna the things that she got for her. Luna took medicine first then she started eating her snacks.

Charlotte: "So, I wanted to talk to you about what I said." they asked. Luna: "What was it?" she asked. Charlotte: "Remember how I said I loved you?" They asked. Luna then coughed. Luna: "If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have to use the bathroom." she said. Charlotte: "Oh, okay! Take your time!" they yelled.

Luna then went downstairs to where her mom was.

Luna's mother: "Did something happen?" she asked. Luna: "Nope, nothing at all!" she said, lying. Luna's mother: "Luna, I know you're lying. What happened?" she asked. Luna: "Okay, fine, you caught me. What do you do if a friend of yours says 'I love you to you?" she asked. Luna's mother: "Well, it could either mean that they like you or they like you as a friend way. The difficult choice is which one you choose. That's for you to find out." she said. Luna: "Thanks, mom." she said. Luna's mother: "You're welcome, Luna." she said.

Luna then walked back upstairs to where Charlotte was.

Charlotte: "Oh, you're back!" They said. Luna: "Yeah, why wouldn't I be." she said. Charlotte: "I wanted to ask you a question." they asked. Luna: "Sure, go ahead." she said. Charlotte: "Who's Michael?" they asked. Luna: "Hm, he's my childhood best friend. We've been together a lot, but we ended up splitting up this year." she said. Charlotte: "Do you like him?" they asked. Luna: "Of course I like him. But it's not like I have a crush on him." she said.

Luna: "How about you?" she asked. Charlotte: "What about me?" They asked, confused. Luna: "Do you have a crush on me?" she said teasingly. Charlotte: "Oh, Uhm." they said, embarrassed. Luna: "Don't worry, you don't need to answer. I'm pretty sure you don't." she said. Charlotte: "I have one for you!" they said embarrassingly. Luna: "What.?" she said. Charlotte: "I have a crush on you! I have ever since we met." they said, being all red. Luna: "So, it's been a while since you had a crush on me, huh?" she said. Charlotte: "yeah, been four months." they said. Luna: "can I have some time to think about it?" she asked. Charlotte: "Oh! Sure! Take all the time you need; I'll wait. Even if you reject me, it'll be fine!" they said. Luna: "thanks, char." she said. Charlotte: "I should get going!" they said. Luna: "yeah! See you soon!" She said.

Charlotte then ran downstairs, and right before she opened the door, Luna's mother spoke to them.

Luna's mother: "How about we sit and chat for a minute, okay?" she asked. Charlotte: "Oh, um, sure." they said.

They both sat down at the dinner table, both silent until Luna's mother spoke.

Luna's mom: "So what happened?" she asked. Charlotte: "Well, we were just talking about Michael." they said. Luna's mom: "Well, it must be weird having to hear that she has another best friend." she said. Charlotte: "yeah." they said. Luna's mom: "Since she's mostly the quiet kid, but she never gets her work done." she said. Charlotte: "Huh? How come?" they asked. Luna's mom: "Well, you see, she wouldn't want me to tell you, but you'll have to ask her." she said. Charlotte: "I wasn't just only talking about Michael." they said. Luna's mom: "I know." she said.

Charlotte's P.O.V: "How does she know everything? It's like she can read my mind."

Luna's mom: "So what was the other thing." she asked. Charlotte: "Oh well, I told her that I liked her." they said. Luna's mom: "Wow, she really must be processing that right now. If you ask me, she's just probably lying on her bed thinking about it." she said. Charlotte: "Really?" they asked. Luna's mom: "Yep. Look, you're not a bad girl for my daughter, but I would say to wait before you guys start dating." she said. Charlotte: "Oh, okay." they said. Luna's mom: "I just don't want her heart broken. Especially since she has some problems going on at the moment. As I said, you might have to ask her, but if she says that she doesn't, then Luna is lying to you." she said. Charlotte: "I understand that." they said. Luna's mom: "Anyway, it's getting late. You should head home." she said. Charlotte: "Oh right! I forgot what the time was." they said hurriedly. Luna's mom: "Sorry I kept you long." she said. Charlotte: "No, it's fine!" they said. Luna's mom: "Be careful!" she yelled. Charlotte: "I will!" they shouted back.

Charlotte got out of Luna's house, which is next door.

Luna's P.O.V: "I can't believe they like me. I mean, I like them too, but I'm not even the capital of being in a relationship with them. What's wrong with me? I would date them, but I feel like someone is just telling me not to. Whenever someone says those things to me, I feel bad that I will hurt their feelings. I should stop being like that. Why do I have to be like this?"

Luna's mom came into her room. Luna seemed bothered.

Luna's mom: "hey, kiddo, how are you feeling?" she asked. Luna: "I'm doing fine." she lied. Luna's mom: "Luna, you know I can tell when you lie." she said. Luna: "I know that, mom." she said. Luna's mom: "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked. Luna: "it's probably me just being sick. You know how I get." she said. Luna's mom: "Luna, please tell me the problem." she asked.

Luna then started to cry uncontrollably. Her mother didn't know how to comfort her; she only knew she was listening to her.

Luna: "I'm sorry! I just don't know what to do with this right now." she said. Luna's mom: "Do what right now?" she asked. Luna: "Everything! Like I can't even fucking eat, I can't even like someone without feeling bad for them! I just fucking can't do this!" she yelled. Luna's mom: "Hey, it's okay! Just take a day off from school! Okay? Or take a break; okay, I'll tell them about it." She reassured her. Luna: "Okay." she said.

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