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I woke up this morning feeling good! At least it was until school. I got all of my stuff and went to Charlotte's house and knocked on their door. Just the same routine that we always do. We start heading to high school. As always, my bullies are there.

Charlotte: "Why don't you stand up for yourself?" they asked. Luna: "there's no point in doing so. They're just going to keep bullying me. Besides, they'll be friends with those kids because I'm a 'weirdo.' All because I just stay quiet and do my work." she said. Charlotte: "yeah, but it's not fair!" they said. Luna: "Really? There is a reason why they bully me, not just for me doing my work and being quiet, you know." she said. Charlotte: "What is it?" they asked. Luna: "try solving it out. I'm sorry, but I better get to class. Look, I'll see you next period." she said, walking off to her class.

As Luna was walking off, she got tripped over by Michael.

Michael: "Whoops, watch where you're going next time." he said while laughing at her.

Luna almost had tears in her eyes. Charlotte ran after her and sat next to her to try to comfort her.

Charlotte: "are you okay?" they asked. Luna: "just leave me alone." she said. Charlotte: "why are you acting like this?!" They asked. Luna didn't reply.

She knew that there was no other way to be acting like this besides pushing away her only friend.

Luna: "you want to know why they see me as a 'weirdo' and then talk to me after school." she said. Charlotte: "sure, I guess." they said.

Whenever they go to class, it is awkward because they sit next to each other in all of their classes.

It was finally when their high school ended, and it was now after school to go home. Luna is sitting in front of the school, waiting for Charlotte. Until then, her bullies came for her.

Dakota: "Look! It's the lesbian freak!" She yelled. Luna: "Can you go away? At least I'm proud to love who I love!" she yelled back. Dakota: " at least I'm proud to love who I love!' how funny is that!" She mimics her. Dakota: "you're only supposed to love guys! Not girls!" they yelled at her. Luna: "let me guess. You guys are bullying me because you have nothing else to do in your pathic life? So the only way is to bully people who are happy to be who they are-just trying to be in one of the popular groups so you can get a good reputation? Yeah, I know who you are." she said. Dakota: "what! No, never!" She said. Luna: "if that's so, then leave me alone then." she said. Dakota: "Fine! You just got boring!" She said, walking away.

Luna sighed. She put her hands around her legs again and put her head down. As she heard many kids walking out of the high school, Charlotte walked out and stood next to her.

Charlotte: "come on, you loser!" they yelled.

Luna looked up to see Charlotte standing next to her. Seeing Charlotte made Luna feel that different feeling again.

Charlotte's thoughts: "she's so pretty when she's looking at me." they said to themselves.

The wind blew softly.

Luna: "oh, hey." she said, upset.

Charlotte's thoughts: "Something's wrong. She sounds upset." they said.

Charlotte: "what happened?" they asked. Luna: "what are you talking about?" she asked. Charlotte: "you know what? You sound upset." they said.

It was the first time someone ever noticed Luna's tone.

Luna: "trust me, it's nothing!" she said, lying to Charlotte. Charlotte: "how can I trust you if you're lying to me!" they yelled, upset. Luna: "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to worry." she said.

Charlotte sat next to her on the ground.

Charlotte: "Luna, I'm always and always going to be there for you. You can tell me anything; I won't tell anyone. So please, tell me." they said, reassuring Luna.

Luna whipped her tears and hugged Charlotte.

Luna: "thank you." her voice cracking, sounding like she was going to cry.

Charlotte wasn't expecting this to happen. They felt terrible for her but didn't know what to do. Luna stopped hugging them.

Luna: "sorry about that. I can tell you two things since it happened. Anyway, the reason why they bullied me was that I used to have a friend, so I told them that I was a lesbian. They didn't like that, so they stopped being my friend. They told everyone here at school, so that's why everybody treats me differently." she said.

Luna didn't want to tell Charlotte, but she did. She's afraid of losing them.

Charlotte: "that's rude of them! They shouldn't have told everyone they should've stayed with you. At the same time, I'm kind of glad that person didn't." they said. Luna: "why is that?" she asked. Charlotte: "well, it's because you have me now!" they said.

Luna smiled and then chuckled.

Luna: "you're funny." she said. Charlotte: "what! I'm being serious, Luna!" they said. Luna: "I'll believe you when I see it." she said.

Luna looked up to see the sky and then excellent smooth air blowing. Charlotte looked at her.

Charlotte's thoughts: "She's so pretty. Not just pretty, I love her." they said to themselves.

Luna: "anyway, back to what happened. Dakota talked to me today. Well, just a few minutes ago." she said.

Charlotte thoughts: "she was right Dakota would still be bulky whether I told her that or not."

Luna: "she was here bullying me because of my sexuality. She didn't stay long though because I just told her something." she said. Charlotte: "a good thing or a bad thing?" they asked. Luna: "bad thing." she said quietly. Charlotte: "I knew it." they said. Luna: "you heard me?" she asked. Charlotte: "you may whisper sometimes, but of course, I heard you. Why?" they asked. Luna: "oh, it's nothing." she said.

It was now that Luna thought about it; she didn't have to repeat herself in front of them because they listened to her. It's making her fall for them more.

Charlotte: "How about we finally get out of the school already?" they said. Luna: "Right! I forgot that we were here." she said.

They both got up.

Charlotte: "Hey, I got us both something. Do you want it?" they asked. Luna: "sure; what is it?" she asked. Charlotte: "here." they said.

Charlotte gave Luna a necklace having the initial 'c.' on it.

Luna: "my name doesn't have a 'c' in it. It's yours." she said. Charlotte: "I know that; I gave you the right one. I have the 'L' initial, and You have the 'c' initial." they said.

Charlotte put the necklace on.

Charlotte: "it's just in case we forget each other." they said. Luna: "I wouldn't forget you. I've been with you for eight months, Charlotte." she said. Charlotte: "I know, but it's just one of my fears," they said. Luna: "we should get going." she said. Charlotte: "yeah!" they said.

They finally went walking to their house and said their goodbyes.

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