The end

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October 24th. Luna woke up at the usual time that she woke up. 1:00 pm. The last day where her therapist gets to meet her. Luna's therapist changed the meeting date, so today is when they talk.

Luna gets ready. She started to brush her teeth and her hair and wash her face.

The time was now 1:20 pm.

Luna started to wait by going on her phone to waste time. She got a message from Charlotte. She went to check what they sent.

Charlotte's message: "Hey love! I wanted to know if you wish to have a sleepover at my house!" Luna's message: "Yeah! sure! what time?" she asked. Charlotte's message: "Around when the sunsets!" Luna's message: "Okay! I'll be there at 6:30 pm!" she sent. Charlotte: "great! I'll see you then!"

Luna looked at the time, and it was 1:40 pm. Usually, the time goes fast whenever she's on her phone. It sometimes doesn't if you're trying to make time go faster. Luna got up and went downstairs and went to check the fridge. She got something from the freezer and heated it in the microwave.

The time was now 1:59 pm.

Luna tried to devour her food before she heard a doorbell ring. She quickly finished eating, and then the doorbell rang. Luna opened it to see her therapist.

Therapist: "I see that haircut is looking great on you!" they said. Luna: "thanks! You can come in." she said. Therapist: "thank you!"

Luna's therapist went inside her house and sat down on a chair.

Therapist: "so have you told Charlotte?" they asked. Luna: "yeah! I have, and it went great! I'm staying at their house today, just at 6:30 pm!" she said. Therapist: "That's great!"

Therapist: "You know this is our last day talking with each other, right?" they asked. Luna: "yeah, I know, but it's a good thing! I'm getting better and doing better!" she said.

Therapist: "so, how's school going for you?" they asked. Luna: "it's been going great! I have all A's in my classes except for Pe. I'm not good at that class." she said. Therapist: "that's fantastic!" they said happily.

Therapist: "do you have any fears or phobias?" they asked. Luna: "well, my fear is abonnement, and I guess one of my phobias is spiders. Spiders are just scary and weird. Especially since they have like eight or more legs, I forgot. Just thinking about it freaks me out." she said. Luna's therapist laughed.

Therapist: "so what is your relationship between your parents and you?" they asked. Luna: "with my mom and me, it's just been weird and awkward. Do you know? Because we haven't talked to each other for a year ago. So it isn't that great." she said. Therapist: "what about with you and your dad?" they asked. Luna: "well, it's been great! I just haven't met him, or he doesn't want to meet me. I don't know how to talk to him in person. We only spoke to each other through letters." she said. Therapist: "so it's a long-distance thing, huh?" they asked. Luna: "yeah, it is. I want to talk to him in person, but I'm afraid of returning to my old home, especially since I haven't seen them in six years." she said.

Therapist: "have you talked with your siblings?" they asked. Luna: "no, I haven't. It's just that I don't want to return to that house. It's scary and caused some trauma for me there." she said. Therapist: "I'm sorry to hear about that." they said. Luna: "it's okay! Really. We just had our problems and probably still do." she said.

Therapist: "so the day when the incident happened. What made you want to do that?" they asked. Luna: "it's weird, but I guess I thought nobody cared about me. I mean, it is evident that they did; like Melissa, she cares about me. I didn't have Charlotte there, so it was weird without them. I also forgot that my cousins and my friend cared about me so much. I can also say that it was because of the isolation. I don't like being alone. It's also one of my fears. Another thing was how much the stress caused me; it wasn't easy, never was." she said. Therapist: "yeah, I can understand that." they said.

Therapist: "well, I should get going. Our session has ended." they said. Luna: "oh, okay!" Therapist: "Luna, I want you to know that you're loved by everyone you know, whether you pushed them away or don't talk to them anymore. You're loved. You're not a bad kid. You're a great one! You went through so much, and I'm glad you're here today! Many other people are, too, not just me." they said.

Luna's therapist hugged her, then stopped.

Therapist: "I won't be seeing you anymore, so I hope you have a great day, Luna! You're one special kid." they said.

Luna was shocked. She couldn't say anything. It was either out of joy or how her therapist didn't say anything to Melissa or anyone else. She already knew that she could trust them. It was already late for that.

Luna checked the time, and it was 7:30 pm. She was an hour late. She texted Charlotte.

Luna's message: "sorry I didn't get there. I will now! I was talking to my therapist." she sent. Charlotte's message: "it's okay! Just get over here!" Luna: "right!"

Luna left and went to Melissa's house to knock on it. Charlotte immediately opened it.

Luna: "hey!-" she got cut off.

Charlotte hugged her.

Charlotte: "I'm so glad my amazing girlfriend is here!" they said.

Luna got flustered and hugged them back. Melissa saw them hugging.

Melissa: "you two love birds, get a room!" she said teasingly. Charlotte: "Mum!" They yelled. Melissa: "Alright, fine! Just get a room!" she said. Charlotte: "whatever!"

Charlotte: "let's go!" they said to Luna.

Charlotte grabbed Luna's hand and took Luna to their room.

Charlotte: "well, this is my room! You've probably been here before." they said. Luna: "yeah, I have. I don't remember when I did." she said.

Charlotte: "lay on my bed with me!" they said. Luna: "okay!"

They both went to bed and lay down. Luna and Charlotte held hands together again. Luna fell asleep. Charlotte looked at her and thought to herself.

Charlotte: "I'm glad that we're finally together. With my fantastic girlfriend with me by my side."

Now both their two hearts beat together as one.

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