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One week later, Luna woke up at 7:30 AM. She then got a message from Michael. Saying, "Hey, I'm going to be at your house in 5 minutes. We're going to walk to school together! Hope you're not busy." he sent that 2 minutes ago. Luna had to change quickly and tell Charlotte she won't be walking with them to school. Luna then got ready, and it then 3 minutes later, meaning that Michael would be at her house. She then heard a knock at her door; she went to get all her things for school and eventually went downstairs.

Luna's thoughts: "I forgot Michael came here a week ago and transferred into my school. I can't believe it." she said to herself.

Michael: "Hey Luna!" he said excitedly. Luna: "Hey, Mike." she said. Michael: "I've got some big news!" they said excitedly again. Luna: "Oh really? What is it?" she asked. Michael: "Well, lucky for you, I get to be at your school!" he said. Luna: "Oh wow! Didn't you tell me that like a week ago?" she asked Michael: "Yeah, I guess I did. I must've forgotten." he said. Luna: "Oh! I forgot to text my friend. Is It okay if I text them right now?" she asked Michael: "yeah, it's fine with me!" they said.

Luna then went on her phone and texted Charlotte, saying, "Hey Char, I won't be able to walk to school with you today! Something important came up." she texted them. Charlotte then read the message Luna sent. They then replied, "That's okay!" Luna then looked relieved that they didn't take it badly.

Luna: "Hey, I just got done messaging them." she said. Michael: "Alright, that's cool!" he said.

They both started walking to school together. When they got there, it was early.

Luna: "Hey, can we wait for my friend." she asked. Michael: "Oh yeah, sure!" they said. Luna: "Okay, thanks." she said. Michael: "Yeah, no problem." he said.

With Charlotte, they're lying on their bed.

Charlotte's P.O.V: "Weirdly, she's busy. She's usually never busy. I'm just overthinking this. I should go. She's probably waiting for me." they said to themselves.

Charlotte then got up and started changing. They then got their things for school, went outside, and started walking.

Charlotte's P.O.V: "it's still weird how she's busy. Why didn't she walk with me today.? All I have to do is stop thinking about this. She's probably waiting for me." they said.

Michael and Luna kept waiting for Charlotte.

Luna: "it's been a while." she said. Michael: "yeah, it has. Should we go?" he asked. Luna: "hm, not yet. Let's keep waiting." she said. Michael: "Okay then." he said.

Charlotte then started running to go to school. It was almost time for them to go to class already until they made it.

Luna: "Look, they're here!" she yelled at Michael. Michael: "Oh my God, finally!" he cried back. Charlotte: "Sorry about the wait!" they called. Luna: "it's fine. Let's go to class already!" she said. Charlotte: "who's this?" they asked. Luna: "Oh! Charlotte, this is Michael. Michael, this is Charlotte." she said. Michael: "it's nice to meet you, Charlotte." he said. Charlotte: "it's nice to meet you too." they said. Luna: "anyway, let's hurry up to class." she said.

They then both hurried to class with Luna in the middle and Charlotte on the left, and Michael on the right of their chairs.

Charlotte: "so what is he doing here?" they asked. Luna: "oh well, he moved here, so he got to go to my school. Don't you remember, I mentioned it last week?" she said. Charlotte: "I remember, but it's kind of weird. I don't trust him." they mumbled.

It was then that school ended. They all started to walk home together. Charlotte then spoke to Michael.

Charlotte: "So, Michael, why did you move here?" they asked. Michael: "Oh, well, I just decided to. It was also because Luna and I have been apart. So I wanted to remake those memories." he said. Charlotte: "Oh, that makes sense." they said.

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