Chapter seven - three days to opening night (afternoon)

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"Woaaahh, you guys, look at this place."

"This has got to be the biggest stadium we've played in Europe, right?!"

"I can't believe it, this is immense."

"Wow wow wow."

"You bet, wow!"

The afternoon sun was heavy in the sky above the X-MO London Stadium by the time the band had finally arrived to view it. The rays of sun beating down through the roof onto the stadium floor made the vast area look almost ethereal, and even though right now it was echoing and empty, a few days would make all the change. The air was filled with many excited shouts and comments as the group had eventually made their way through all the underground pits and above onto the stage area.

The enormous, open size of the space in front of them had taken everyone's breath away. On the way from the photoshoot, the members had all reminisced about the last time they had been in London, many years ago, playing a medium size venue on the outskirts of the centre of the city. And now, here they were, jaws slacked as they took in the view of where 90,000 devoted fans would soon be sitting, cheering them on for their life's work.

The seven of them were walking spread out across the stage, twirling around and gazing, taking in slowly the sights and sounds of the stadium. Even though the stage wasn't quite finished, it gave them the perfect idea of the space they had to fill and what the atmosphere would soon be like. The huge digital screens across the back of the stage loomed black and dominating. A pair of brown, rabbit like eyes stared up at them transfixed from under a black baseball cap. Jungkook couldn't find the words to describe how overwhelmingly happy he was feeling right now, so he just gazed and smiled in wonder instead; the thought of seeing the screens lit up and bright gave him a bubble of excitement in his stomach.

All his life, Jungkook had dreamed of performing at a venue in Europe just like this, it would be an incredibly special opening night making many dreams come true. The realisation had continued to hit the more time they were spending away from home; the adoration of their fans worldwide really was unparalleled, yet difficult to comprehend. A few years ago, Jungkook would never have imagined that their group's reach would extend so far out of Korea, and every living day served to prove him wrong. His heart was so full of awe that he felt it might burst.

Blinking a few times, he broke his gaze with the screens and turned around to find his other members. Hoseok and Jimin were in the middle of the stage acting out a few dance moves to test the space, laughing and pushing each other as they went. Jin and Taehyung were stood on the far left of the stage, gesticulating backwards and forwards with their arms at the spaces were the crowd would sit, Jungkook supposed they were talking about how the light sticks would look in the crowd. Namjoon's tall frame was easy to spot on the right-hand side, taking pictures and videos with his mobile phone to capture the memories.

The figure he was actually looking for was stood far away at the end of the stage catwalk that stretched out through the floor crowd. Yoongi's smaller frame was taking in a quiet moment, imagining that the stadium was full of fans, the surroundings were dark and filled with lights, and the cheers were resounding throughout the stadium. He too was feeling similar emotions, never quite believing that they had made it here to this point, the admiration coursing through him was simply wonderful.

Yoongi didn't jump as he felt a pair of strong arms snake around his waist, hugging him tightly from behind. In fact, he was almost expecting it, Yoongi hadn't been able to keep his eyes off Jungkook the entire time they were at the photoshoot earlier, and neither had he. The satisfaction he had felt, watching as the younger man was snapped in the most alluring of positions and poses, had stayed with him the whole time they were there. He had felt so content whilst visually appreciating his bandmate, knowing that he was finally starting to allow himself to be okay with actions like that. In return, he had felt the full-frontal gaze of 'photoshoot Jungkook' the whole way through the session, his stomach tying itself in delightful knots.

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