Chapter three - five days to opening night

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Dusk was nearly upon them; the group had been waiting in the airport lounge for over an hour already. Unfortunately for them, they had just been informed that their flight was delayed; some kind of issue with their pilot being taken ill. Thankfully, a replacement crew were on their way and they'd soon be in the sky. It didn't affect their schedule much, since they'd still arrive in time for their morning briefings; they'd maybe loose a couple of hours sleep at best, nothing a few eye masks and coffee couldn't fix.

In the meantime, they had been told to make use of the private lounge as best they could. The suite was large and plush with a black and red colour scheme. There were a variety of tables, seats and comfy sofas, a private bar and a fancy looking snack table laid out next to it. A huge, sprawling wall of windows on one side gave a spectacular view of the runway outside and the pink sky as the sun was starting to rise.

Everyone had mostly made themselves comfortable already; Jimin, Jin and Jungkook were getting another round of drinks in at the bar, teetering dangerously on high bar stools. Bottles were clinking as they poured, laughing and chatting with some of the staff about the day's uneventful start; it was clear to see that they hadn't slept much last night and were distracting themselves with classic airport drinking. Namjoon was pacing up and down the opposite end talking animatedly on his phone, whilst Hoseok was set up at one of the small round tables with his laptop, staring intently at the screen and nodding along to his headphones.

From a darker corner, brown eyes blinked away another wave of tiredness. A weary sigh escaped Yoongi's lips, he was glad he'd so far not been discovered hiding behind a separating wall in the furthest section of the room. He always hated waiting for flights and was never able to sleep properly before them. It was easy for people to assume that travelling was the best part of their lifestyle, but considering everything that came parcelled with it, this was by far his least favourite thing.

Today, he classically looked like a man who didn't want to be disturbed; sporting a black baseball cap, black sunglasses and a black facemask, he leant back against the wall, hands in jeans pockets, head rested back. He couldn't look more unapproachable if he tried... and he wasn't trying very hard to begin with.

Fatigue was setting in to his bones and they hadn't even left South Korea yet. He knew it wasn't just the travelling making him tired too, the stress of being back on a schedule, coupled with the events of the past two days, didn't help. Yoongi always felt at his best in his own space, just working at his own pace and on his own terms, letting his creativity flow as when it wanted to. Sometimes when they hadn't been on tour for a while, it took him a little time to get back into the rhythm of working to deadlines and constant appointments. And whilst he was still getting back into the swing of it, being stuck in an airport lounge certainly wasn't helping his mood.

He watched another plane land on the run way with a muffled screech, smoke billowing up behind its wheels. His vision was dark from behind the sunglasses, but he didn't really feel like looking at the real world right now anyway, it seemed way too bright. He felt his eyelids getting heavier and slowly close, trying to block out some of the noise that was coming from the other side of the wall behind him.

He could hear Jin's signature laugh and Jimin almost crying as they joked over something the staff had said. As much as he loved those two, once they'd had a few drinks they were always guaranteed to get progressively rowdier; if the champagne was flowing, so were they. Namjoon talking loudly and laptop keys clicking away were still apparent, too, there was no blocking that out. It felt there was no way he was going to get any peace and quiet in this room, he was in for a long wait, indeed. Maybe he should go for a walk...

All the time he was both listening and trying to ignore his bandmates, he didn't realise that a certain voice was missing. That is, until, it appeared right beside him, startling him slightly from his sleepy trance.

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