Chapter four - four days to opening night (morning)

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The flight to Europe had been long, so long. The group's first tour stop was London, and the twelve and a half hours of air time had been rough. With the thirty minutes to landing warning coming over the speaker, Jungkook stirred from his uncomfortable sleep, weary eyed and feeling somewhat hot. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms high above his head, his back and shoulders cracking out as he did so.

The onboard entertainment system in front of his seat him advised that it was around 7:30pm in London, a less than perfect time to be suffering from jetlag with a full schedule ahead of them the next day. Jungkook wasn't exactly sure how long he'd been asleep, the movie he had been watching earlier when he nodded off had clearly finished a long time before he'd woken up. He lifted the cover on the airplane window to gaze out at the dark world, the bright lights of the surrounding cities were glittering on the landscape below.

For a moment, he laid his forehead against the cool glass, closing his eyes. He remembered the very short dream that he had had just now. Of course, with everything that had happened over the past three days, he had dreamt of Yoongi, and it had been intense. He had dreamt that they were back in the airport lounge only half a day ago, just the two of them hiding behind that wall, lips barely touching, breath coming fast and Yoongi's hand gripping the collar of his shirt. Except this time, their lips had actually met.

At first the kiss had been innocent and soft, their lips settling on each other perfectly like a jigsaw. But then Jungkook had pulled Yoongi's face closer with his right hand, moving his tongue to encourage his mouth to open. Yoongi had welcomed him in, letting it evolve into a messy, fiery kiss, their tongues desperate, searching and hot. Jungkook's free hand had moved to settle around Yoongi's waist and draw his slender form in, and the dreamlike sensation of feeling their bodies together had left him feeling roused as he had woken up to the announcements.


Jungkook's eyes flew open to see an air stewardess stood next to him. He was a little taken aback, for a few minutes he had slipped back into a wonderful daydream that he didn't want to end.

"We're preparing for landing; would you mind putting on your seat belt?" she smiled sweetly.

"Ah, yes," Jungkook smiled back and nodded, his limited English understood the word 'seat belt' and the gestures she was making.

He straightened himself up in his chair and fastened his belt, his cheeks flushed a little pink when he realised his lower stomach and crotch area were feeling very prickly indeed. The air stewardess blinked and nodded, almost knowingly, then moved on. That was embarrassing.

Jungkook rubbed his face with both hands. He was so confused, and the more he tried to figure it out, the more frustrated it made him. He didn't want to think about it, he just wanted to act upon it. The downside to human desire is that it is just that, wanting and lust, a longing that needs to be satiated. It didn't matter anymore how quickly this feeling had come on, nor did he care, his curiosity was getting the better of him.

He made a quick turn in his seat, peeking above the chairs to scan the aircraft; since they were sat in business class, all the chairs were laid out singularly in neat rows in the cabin. His eyes searched for Yoongi, looking out for his dark, thick hair. He spotted him across in the middle row, his head was slumped against the side of his chair and he was still sleeping despite the noise of the plane coming in to land. Jungkook noted how serene his face looked framed by his long dark hair, eyes closed and lips slightly parted, breathing gently. He watched his elder's chest move, mesmerised by the beauty in his quiet.

The feeling of a finger firmly poking him on the top of his head startled him, and he turned to locate the source, broken out of his trance. Peeping over from the chair behind him, Jimin's delicate face smiled at him.

"Are you okay?"

Jungkook grinned, scratching his head. "Of course! Ugh, I'm tired though."

"What were you looking for?"

"Nothing, just taking a look," Jungkook nervously laughed. "I'm glad we're nearly there now."

Jimin eyed his bandmate. "Yeah, me too. The movies were bad, right?"

"Yeah, you bet!"

Jimin chuckled too as Jungkook sat back down in his chair, he was interested in his bandmate's behaviour. Once Jungkook's head was out of sight again, Jimin perked up again to trace where his eyeline had been. He noticed that Jungkook's eyes had been fixed on one point, not moving at all, and as he traced it backwards it led directly and concisely to a quietly sleeping Min Yoongi. He wondered why Jungkook had been so transfixed on him, but his thoughts were interrupted as another announcement echoed through the aircraft.

In his chair just across the way, nobody knew that the reason Yoongi was so deeply asleep was that he was dreaming of Jungkook, too.


It had taken another couple of hours before the group had been able to leave the plane, wait for staff to pick up their luggage and safely exit Heathrow Airport. Hoseok had made some jokes about sleeping on the luggage belt whilst they waited, but Yoongi would have taken him seriously at the time.

Now they were all in separate cars riding to the hotel, thankful to be on solid ground finally. Yoongi laid with his head back against the plush leather seat. His body was physically tired and aching; sitting sideways asleep on the plane for so long had done his muscles no good. At the same time, his mind was drawing blanks, mentally exhausted from the stress of flying overseas and the memories of the past few days. His eyes watched the world and bright lights of London city go by, yellow colours meshing into orange. Car horns were beeping in the distance, followed by shouts from passers by and people in the streets on nights out. His world felt muffled in the dark, comfortable confines of the car.

Although he had no thoughts per se, there was one thing on his mind... or one man, for that matter. Jungkook's eyes had born an image into him, he was charmed by them every time they had met lately. He couldn't get his bandmate out of his head and dreams, and he knew he was secretly starting to get pulled into that feeling. He couldn't let on though, for the sake of the upcoming tour and making sure he was at peak performance, he was a little worried about how he was going to cope...

With a wistful sigh, Yoongi fished into his jacket pocket for his mobile phone. He opened the text message application and started writing a message, his fingers quickly typing.

'Did you get to the hotel yet?'

He navigated to the recipient bar and flicked through the contacts until he reached Jungkook's name. He chewed his lip, his thumb hovered hesitantly over it, but a pang in his chest then urged it down to select the name and send the message. He took a sharp breath in, waiting for the reply.

'Yeah! Been here about 10 minutes, this place is nice! You'll like it.'

A tiny smile pulled at the side of his lips. Inside he realised he was actually looking forward to getting to the hotel and unwinding, also potentially seeing Jungkook. It was past 9pm now, and Yoongi knew that they had a full schedule to deal with the next day, but there was a little time at least to get himself together. He brought his keyboard up again to reply.

'Sounds good, see you soon.'

'See you soon :-)'

Jungkook's reply was fast, meaning he had been waiting for a response too.

"How long until we reach the hotel?" Yoongi leaned forward to speak to the staff member up front of the car.

"Hmm, about another 20 minutes, I think," they replied, fingering the satnav in front.

Yoongi thanked them and leaned back in his chair to enjoy the rest of the journey. He decided he was definitely feeling good about maybe seeing Jungkook again soon, whether it be tonight or tomorrow. Perhaps an injection of friendliness was just what he needed to bring him out of his weariness tonight. The overload of travelling to a different country was tiring and Yoongi could feel it. He was determined to push through though, he was here now. The tour had officially started, and now was the time to up his game! 

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