Chapter five - four days to opening night (evening)

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Yoongi's hotel room was nice, as Jungkook had informed, with a large Queen size bed, a plush sofa, and huge, glossy windows that looked out over the city. A huge TV sat opposite the foot of the bed, nestled between a desk and a wardrobe. The room lights were dim, curtains still open, and the bright city illuminations twinkled before Yoongi as he sat on the sofa looking out. He nursed a cold glass of prosecco in his hand, his other arm propping up his chin from the back of the sofa as he gazed outwards.

He almost felt at one with the pretty outlook from his window. The lights rippling orange, red and yellow were a very serene and calming view. It nearly didn't feel real to him being back on tour, living in hotel rooms again, knowing they'd be hopping from one country to the next. He was kind of glad, he thought he had almost forgotten what this feeling felt like, but really it was just like seeing an old friend again after a long time. Despite his reserves, he was looking forward to the adrenaline and excitement once more. It had been such a long time since they had heard the roar of fans in a stadium, it filled him with anticipation.

He took a sip of the cold prosecco, enjoying the silence in his room. He wasn't really a big alcohol drinker, and never had been really; the memories of times being drunk with the group occasionally made him cringe inside. But since the mini-fridge in his room was stocked with complimentary drinks, he was happy to take the opportunity this time. Thankfully, they didn't need to be up and awake until 7am the next morning, which was considered a reasonable start in their line of work. Sometimes they would need to be up by 3am, 4am, sometimes even 5am to be able to be ready in time for their schedule. So far, the tour calendar was being kind to them.

Yoongi felt a sharp vibrating feeling in his pocket, pulling his mobile phone out to read the incoming message. It was from Jungkook.

'Hey, you still up? :)'

Yoongi didn't reply straight away, his phone felt heavy cradled in his hand, fingers hovering over the keyboard but they didn't type anything. He had to admit, that even though he had been trying to take some time to relax, Jungkook had always been in the back of his mind. In fact, he'd never left. Ever since that moment they had shared on the practice room floor, Yoongi's head had been in bits. The rapid speed at which he felt himself falling down an unfamiliar rabbit hole unnerved him. He'd spent most of his life being around Jungkook, living with him and working with him, he was so confused and surprised that at this point he'd had feelings begin to surface.

At this point he was starting to come to terms with the fact that they were actually feelings, but what he needed to do with them he didn't quite know yet. He was aware that the two of them needed to talk things through, especially to try and explain what had happened over the past few days. But he was enjoying the downtime, maybe he could just pretend that he was asleep so that Jungkook wouldn't bother him.

Resolving himself to that, he moved his thumb to lock his phone's screen and tossed it onto the sofa... surely, they could talk tomorrow once he'd had the evening alone to try and pick apart his brain. He raised his glass and took another large mouthful of prosecco, the chilled, fizzy liquid was a cool reminder of who and where he was.

He contemplated again how lucky he felt to be back out on tour with his group. The announcement just over a year ago that the band would be taking a hiatus was met with heartbreak and sadness the world over. The news hit the headlines with clout, spurring rumours of breakups and fights, tensions and miscommunications. But none of that was true, the reality of it all was much simpler: they had been performing for a long time, many years in fact, and it was just time for them to take a well-earned rest; time to focus on building some of their own lives, exploring new hobbies and side avenues, spending time with their families and friends, and time to recharge, above all. Their work schedules had been gruelling up until then, burning themselves out so frequently for their fans, so they had all agreed as a group and with their management company that it was time to take a rest.

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