Prologue - opening night

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A sharp intake of air sent a shiver through Jungkook's lungs, he didn't realise he'd been holding his breath in. A split second later his mind refocussed, adrenaline coursing through the dizziness.

The oxygen in his chest swiftly brought him back, his blue lensed eyes focussed on the stage floor in front of him. He lunged his feet forward, arms high, chest out proud and head flung backwards. Though his shirt was already soaking, he could feel more sweat slowly dripping down his back. His shoulders moved in fluid motions, left then right to the beat in his ears. Through the intense dance and hot lights, a grin pulled at his lips; his heart was absolutely soaring.

It was opening tour night already, and there was nothing that could ever compare to the feeling.

Though it was deafening and exhilarating, every night would be a once in a lifetime experience.
The intense, deep bass of the music and the bright flashing lights made it feel almost surreal. Every moment, every minute, every single second became engraved into everyone's physical and emotional memory. Hearts played in time with the beat, so deep that it could be felt through the arena grounds. 

Stadiums may give the impression of being overwhelming, the floors of fans are built so high that they can barely make out the stars they came to see in person. But with the world's catwalk laid out before them, seven men stood overcome with incomparable emotion. They were who the crowds had come to see, worship and adore. Emotional barriers were shattered, the music was becoming one with everyone and their bodies were becoming one with the crowd.

Another fast turn, side step and kick, Jungkook was riding high on a hot, wet adrenaline wave as they came to the end of the song. Heart rates were still rising whilst the music faded and the whole group held their pose to a deafening scream. Lights dimmed to black and gave them all a fleeting moment to move and reform into a straight line. It had been a while since they had last been on tour, but they still remembered everything perfectly. Their hard rehearsals and practice always paid off. Experience had taught their bodies to move quickly and efficiently as they lined up to catch their breath.

When the lights came back on seconds later, Namjoon stood confidently in the middle of the group, proud to be their leader. The cameras in front of him were projecting his smile onto the enormous screen behind them. To his left stood Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi on the end. To his right, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook. Every man felt complete being back on the stage together with their audience and it was evident to see in all their faces. The past break year had been welcome yet hard for them, mentally, physically and spiritually. Now they were finally back on stage, the joy they all felt at being amongst their fans again was unparalleled.

Grinning again ear to ear, Namjoon brought his glittering microphone back to his mouth. The English rolled off his tongue fluently, always impressing the other members and audience alike.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!" he paused briefly and waved to the crowd. "What an amazing show this has been! We are so grateful to be here tonight. Without you guys, we wouldn't be here doing this!"

The screams were thunderous. Namjoon waited for the noise to ebb a little before speaking again. "It's so sad that our time is nearly over, we only have one more song for you tonight! So, let's make it extra special! Let's sing it together! Will you please sing it with us?!"

They were met with a combination of raucous crying and praise, though the cheers definitely outweighed anything else. The group knew they would perform all night if they could, but the heat and exhaustion were finally beginning to set in. One member in particular was almost looking forward to the grand finale. Yoongi took a deep breath and ran a hand through his soaking ember hair, smoothing some stray ends back into place. He blinked a few times behind his pink, tinted glasses and shook his head, beads of sweat flicking from his eyelids and brows.

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