Chapter 50

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'Wine and dine it is.' Your smile didn't fade until she moved to turn off the water. "Alci? What's your ideal date?"

Alcina paused before sitting back with a chuckle. "Take a guess — I want to see if you can guess it."

"Turning this into a game, I see?"

"Why not?"

"Fair enough," You chuckled and rested against her. "Something fancy—?"


"No?! Huh... Alright, then let me think a bit harder on this."

"Don't hurt yourself."

You huffed in an attempt to hide your chuckle before letting out a low hum. If she didn't want something fancy, it had to be simple. She isn't the type to do something halfway. You glanced up at her and planted a tender kiss on her cheek, giggling at her shocked expression.

"A night of cuddling?" You hummed out and grinned when she glanced away. "I had a hunch."

"Oh really?"

"Mhm. Wanna know why I had it?"

"Enlighten me," Alcina chuckled as she eyed you. "I'm curious to know what gave it away."

"How you show you love or care for someone. Even though you're often busy, when you do have time to spare, you make sure you're close to one of the people you love. That also explains why you wanted to make sure our date was secluded — you wanted to give me your undivided attention. It's cute."

"...How do you read people this easily?"

"I learned from Isa."

"That explains it," Alcina chuckled before she began washing you up. "How do you feel now?"

"A lot calmer," You hummed and enjoyed the feeling of her hands washing you up. "This is very soothing."

"Thank you."

You let out a content sigh and waited for her to finish, turning in her hold immediately after. As you washed her, you planted soft kisses on her skin, giggling at her content sigh. When you finished washing her up, you let out a soft squeak when she picked you up and set you outside of the tub. You wrapped a fluffy towel around your body and waited for her, leading her back to the bed.

After you were both changed into nightgowns, you let her place you in bed, waiting for her to join you before cuddling into her. Alcina chuckled as she held you against her, rubbing her thumb up and down your back slowly. It wasn't long after that that you managed to fall asleep, a content smile on your face.

The next morning, you were woken by Isa — a frown taking over your features when Alcina was nowhere to be found. Isa sent you a small smile before offering you a cup of tea, handing it to you once you sat up. You took a sip of the tea and hummed at the hint of blood, sending them a thankful smile.



"Can I... Ask you a-a personal question? You don't have to answer it, of course! I-I just... I need to know I'm not the only one..."

"Oh? So a serious question?" Isa hummed with a smile. "Go on."

You stared into the teacup as embarrassment flooded you. "Your uhm... your first time wi-with someone you gen-genuinely loved... were-were you—?"

"Nervous? Terrified? Wanting to do it but being too nervous so I cry at every touch?"


"Absolutely," They sighed and leaned against the wall. "I'm pretty sure Cass still has nightmares from our first time. I was very overwhelmed — never felt that many emotions at once. Why? Worried about—? Oh... Don't worry, it's more common than you think."

"Okay," You sighed in relief before taking another sip of tea. "I just... I was so nervous..."

"It's different when it's with someone you love. Which is why it's more common than you think to be nervous. She knows that too, stop worrying so much."

"How do you always know what to say?"

"I spent most of my life being a communicator for gods," Isa grumbled, hating their previous 'job' with a passion. "You learn how to say the right thing to people to make them happy and add in the truth."

"Who took over that job for you?"

"A god I'd presume... It is very deadly for mortals."

"Why'd they let you do it?"

"Something about children of Hades being quick messengers," They huffed and the pout on their face made it hard to see how anyone could be afraid of them. "If any god—."

"You're adorable," You cooed and giggled when their cheeks turned red. "Technically, you're my future child-in-law... So I out-rank you now."

"I hope you know the only reason I'm staying a maid is because I'm the only one that can make meals the way you all like them and not make you crave even more blood."

"And we all thank you for that. With that being said; that's all you're going to be doing."

"You can't dictate that—."

"Actually," Alcina cut them off as she entered the room, the triplets behind her. "She can now. Mother Miranda has just finished everything — [Y/N] is now your boss, Isa."

"...Pardon my language, my lady," Isa started and you had to force yourself to hold in giggles, their next words making you fail that. "But this is bullshit."

Once your giggles quieted down, you flicked Isa's head and went back to drinking your tea. Isa pouted as they rubbed the flicked area, turning their gaze to the ladies. The triplets were still giggling — albeit quietly — and it was clear to you that Alcina's smile was her way of holding back her laughter. It wasn't often Isa broke their professional facade around Alcina, but when they did, you were always the common factor and it was always far away from the other maids. A way to protect everyone's reputation.

"Language, Isa," You hummed and locked gazes with them. "I'm your boss now, I could punish you for speaking like that in front of my wife and daughters."

"Funny," Isa chuckled, a smirk resting on their face. "Because last time I checked, you're worse than I am when it comes to swearing."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Uh huh... Sure. You do realize that I remember everything anyone has ever said around me, right?"

"You shut your fucking mouth, pipsqueak!" You yelped and covered their mouth.

i guess i have to say this again; if you identify as a man, i do NOT want you reading my works OR following me. i am a LESBIAN. all of my works are LESBIAN works. they are NOT for the consumption of men. men fetishize my sexuality way to fucking often for me to feel comfortable with any man reading my works. if my friend, who BASIL is based off of, doesn't even read my works, then neither should you.

men will be blocked immediately. ESPECIALLY if you decide to follow me and TELL ME you're a man who is actively ignoring and OVERSTEPPING my boundaries. that's a huge fucking red flag, by the way. the fucking audacity you have to have to follow me and post on my account that you're a man reading my works is disgusting. there are so many straight books for you to read, stop invading lesbian/sapphic (other wlw/nblw identities fall under sapphic btw!!) spaces.

on to good news; isa x triplets won the poll, so we'll be getting that as a book in the future. and to celebrate, i'll post a triplets x reader x isa one-shot sometime in the next two weeks to my one-shot book.

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