Chapter 17

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"My ladies. Do you need anything?"

"When are you going to tell mother?!"

"On my deathbed." You grumbled, ignoring their low growls and hisses. "You three already know that just because I'm cocky and overly flirty, doesn't mean I have the confidence to tell your mother I like her."

"Coward!" They yelled in unison before swarming off, their giggles filling the castle.

Today's going to be a long fucking day.

You shook your head and climbed out of the bed, making your way out into the hall. The second you had crossed the threshold, a swarm of flies carried you to the library, earning a low groan from you. Your eyes locked on the sisters once more, eyebrow twitching in agitation.

"I already said—."

"Then don't tell her, write to her!" Daniela cut you off, shoving a notepad and feather pen towards you. "Now, write!"

"Lady Daniela—."

"If you call me that again, I'm going to bite you." She threatened, earning a low sigh from you.

"Okay, okay, I'll get to writing." You held your hands up in surrender before they moved you to a desk, standing behind you as you wrote.

You went through about five sheets of paper before you finally decided that it was decent enough. Well, before the lady of the castle returned, actually. At least you had managed to keep her daughters in one room — except for when they needed blood.

Daniela snatched the note immediately when you declared you were done trying to fix it, her golden eyes scanning over every word.

"Read it to us, Dani!" Cassandra huffed, glaring at her sister.

"Not in front of me, please..." You sighed out, frowning when they didn't listen.

"My dearest dove,

From my address to you, you absolutely know who I am. I finally decided to write to you — to express my feelings — but I was never really good at this.

I could describe your beauty, but I'm sure you're already away of how captivating you are — especially when I get 'lost in thought' whenever you look my way or say something that you want only me to hear.

Your eyes shine like the sun, I guess that makes me Icarus, doesn't it? Especially with this note. I'm flying too close to the sun, right? Well, I suppose I'm used to getting burned and I don't mind it anymore.

Should I also mention how lovely your voice is? Every time you speak, it's like a siren luring sailors to their demise. But I'm no normal sailor — I suppose I'm a pirate.

What next? Your porcelain skin, perhaps? How it accentuates your features and makes you even more captivating? No, no, that's not it. Perhaps how your beauty rivals that of the gods? That sounds more accurate.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is, I like you a lot, my lady. I don't care if you don't return the feelings, it won't change mine for you, but I beg of you, don't make me leave the castle."

You covered your ears and buried your face on the desk, ignoring the quiet whispers of the daughters. That could've been so much better and yet, it wasn't. A part of you didn't want to write it, perhaps that's why it seemed so horrible to you. When a pair of arms wrapped around you, your head lifted slightly to let you glance at Daniela.

"She'll love it!" She whisper-yelled, a wide smile on her face. "I'm sure she returns the feelings!"

"I hope so..." You sighed quietly, taking the note from her and standing up. "Now, I must go greet her and escort her to her chambers."

"Good luck!" They chirped and swarmed off, making you shake your head and sigh.

Why am I doing this?

You shook the thought from your head and headed to the main lounge, eyes landing on your lady the moment she ducked into the castle. With a small smile, you bowed to her and cleared your throat, walking in silence to her chambers. You were shaking like a leaf by the time the two of you reached her chambers, hands clenched into fists. Could you actually do this?

"Is everything alright? Your heart is hammering against your rib cage and it's very loud." Lady Dimitrescu called as she removed her hat, glancing down at you.

"Ye-yes, my lady," You cursed yourself for stuttering, clearing your throat shortly after. "I just... the girls wanted me to give a stupid love letter to my crush. I don't think I've ever been more nervous in my life."

When you glanced up to meet her gaze, it was impossible to read her face but her eyes held something dangerous. You hadn't been afraid of since the day you arrived but, you were definitely scared of her now. Her lips parted to say something before they closed again into a thin line — a few moments of silence passing before she finally collected her words.

"I don't allow the help to fall in love," She stated lowly, lips curling into a frown. "So, give me the note and just ignore your feelings for the other maid."

Give you the note?! Hell no! I'd much rather die than give it to you. And what the fuck do you mean other maid?! IT'S YOU THAT IT'S FOR!

"I can just, rip it up." You stated, shakily taking out the note from your pocket — praise lady Beneviento for adding those to your uniform.

"Give. It. Here." She growled out, holding her hand out for the note.

You let out a shaky breath before placing it in her outstretched hand, dropping your gaze immediately when she started reading it. Your fingernails dug into the flesh of your palms as you took deep breaths to try to calm yourself down, not bothering to look up when you felt her gaze burning into you. She cleared her throat and you hesitantly looked up, meeting her gaze and flinching when you realized how cold her gaze was.

"[Y/N]..." She started, narrowing her gaze at you.

"Ye-yes, my lady?"

"I think we need to talk."

okay — hi, hey, hello!
if you all enjoy my writing and want to see more of it, i do have other stories in the fandom you can read between updates but also, i have a new project i released!
it's called Oma: The Fallen God and it's something i've been wanting to upload somewhere for years (it's written in a notebook so i can't just copy and paste it over here). it involves my ocs Basil and Isa — i know Isa isn't in this one yet, but they might be some day.

here's the cover art for Oma: The Fallen God and it'd mean a lot if you all could check it out!

here's the cover art for Oma: The Fallen God and it'd mean a lot if you all could check it out!

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A Thief's Tale [lady dimitrescu x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now