Chapter 4

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"Whatever." You chuckled, smiling a bit wider at her giggle. "You know, you're not that bad when you aren't trying to kill me."

"And you aren't that bad when you aren't being overly cocky."

The two of you laughed quietly, your gaze drifting to the window. It had been ages since you'd been separated from your father — rarely leaving his side unless he was adamant he had to do something alone. And even then, you tried your best to keep tabs on him in case he needed help. What help could a human offer him? You weren't entirely sure.

"You miss him, don't you?" Cassandra's voice cut through the silence, making your gaze snap to her.

"Of course not. He's a vampire, I know not to get attached to him." You stated, steeling whatever emotion was on your face.

Cassandra stared at you blankly for a moment before she sighed, slowly making her way to the door. "Say whatever you'd like, the scent of longing for home is very strong with you."

After that, she was gone and you were left alone. Your gaze shifted back to the window, fingers curling into the sheets. He should've given a sign by now to signal that he was coming, he always had. You quickly shook the worry from your head, taking a deep breath.

He's blind now. I need to remember that. Without me, there's no way he'd be able to coordinate an attack to free me. Not when there are vampires in this castle as well. I should've let him try to save me.

You were snapped from your thoughts when lady Dimitrescu entered the room again, her gold eyes piercing through you. The two of you stared at each other in silence for a while, the both of you waiting for the other to speak. You, being the impatient person you were, cracked and spoke first.

"What?" You grumbled, eyebrow twitching in irritation.

"That's no way to speak to your new boss." She teased, finally making her way back to the seat she had been in before. "Now... tell me more about your past. I like to get to know the interesting ones."

"Sure thing, dove." You hummed out, sending her a wink when she groaned. "Well, after he saved me the first time, he started training me. He taught me to fight, hunt, hide from any monster. I don't think there's anything I learned that I didn't learn from him."

"That explains a lot." Your lady sighed, making a smirk tug at the corner of your lips.

"What did you expect? I was raised by a gay vampire." You laughed, a bittersweet laugh but a laugh nonetheless.

"The first time I got caught after he started raising me, I was six years old. Captured by some vampires that weren't too happy with my father and the way he wanted to live his life now. He dealt with them and saved me again."

Lady Dimitrescu hummed in understanding, crossing one leg over the other elegantly. You had to snap yourself out of the trance the simple action had put you in, clearing your throat before continuing.

"The time after that? I was captured by lycans — for obvious reasons. How you haven't killed every lycan in this village is beyond me, they're absolutely annoying and disgusting." You grumbled, smiling slightly when your lady chuckled.

"After that, I was captured by vampire hunters — they didn't last long. My father is very high ranking, they were foolish to think they could use me to kill him."

You went silent after that, glancing down at your lap. He was powerful — he could stop time in an entire village — and yet you were still needed in his life. You were his eyes now—his daughter. And he was your father—your rock. The only person that gave you a chance, that took you in and let you live the life you had been cursed with.


"Yeah... I miss him." You cut her off quietly, glancing at the window. "He's all I've ever had. It's weird not knowing where he is or what he's doing..."

The lady watched you quietly, probably waiting to see if you were lying or not. When she determined you weren't, she simply stood to her full height, making you crane your head to look up at her. Her lips parted to say something before something unknown flashed in her eyes, her mouth closing shortly after. She narrowed her eyes at you before she spoke, her voice cold.

"You start work tomorrow. You'll have a list of chores you'll need to complete. Failure to do so or if you mess anything up will result in a punishment, one my daughters will come up with and enforce. The windows are to remain shut at all times and if you try to escape, I will hunt you down and slice you to ribbons."

You stared at her blankly, taking in everything she had said — including the threat — before nodding at her. A frowned etched onto your features.

"Of course, my lady." You replied, venom dripping with every word you said.

I just told her most of what she asked for and this is how I'm treated? Well, dove, two can play at this game.

"By the way, dove." You called before she could duck through the door, smirking at her annoyed face. "I've been tortured countless times, especially by those vampire hunters. Whatever your daughters do as punishment, I'm sure I can handle it."

Her eyes narrowed at you once more before she left the room, your eyes tracking her form when she ducked through the door. You were slightly disappointed when the door shut but decided to lay on your side, staring out the window yet again. You lifted an arm and outstretched it, your palm facing the glass.

"Dad... I'll see you again soon, and I'll make sure we both get out of here this time." You promised quietly, your eyelids growing heavy.

After a while, your eyes had slipped shut and memories flooded your dream state. The memories of how and why he lost his vision.

You were locked in a cell again, clinging to the bars as your six year old body shivered. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you tried to shake the bars, quiet whimpers passing your lips.

A Thief's Tale [lady dimitrescu x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now