Chapter 46

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"Coming girls!" You called back with a smile, your heart skipping a beat when you heard their purring as a signal that they heard you. 'I am mama...'

When you made it to the triplets, you were engulfed in flies, the giggles of the girls bringing a smile to your face. It took a few moments before they finally released you, making you laugh and wait for them to settle down. You were happy that they accepted the change easily, but you also knew they'd always be ready for this moment. Daniela was the first to start calling you her future stepmother anyway.

"What did you three need me for?" You asked with a smile, keeping a close eye on them so they don't swarm you again.

"To celebrate!" They giggled in unison before pulling you into the kitchen. "We wanna bake!"

"I have the feeling you three are keeping something from your mother and me."


You hummed but chose to not question it, deciding to focus on baking instead of interrogating them. Once the four of you put everything in the oven, you noticed how nervous they were and noted that there was something under their gloves — rings to be exact. It finally clicked while the three were talking, making you laugh to yourself before hugging the triplets.

"They proposed, didn't they?" You giggled when they tensed, allowing you to look up at their faces. "Why keep it from us?"

"You two had good news," Bela started while refusing to look you in the eyes.

"So we were going to wait," Cassandra continued with a sigh.

"But Isa said they wanted to tell Mother," Daniela finished before wrapping her arms around you. "We wanted to tell you, but we weren't sure when would be a good time."

"Dani," You cooed her pout and returned the hug. "Any time would've been perfect. I'm just very happy for you four — and I know your mother is as well. This is far more important and worthy of celebration anyway."

Daniela's pout quickly formed into a smile and her grip tightened, pulling a surprised squeak out of you. Her sisters joined the hug immediately and any warmth you had was quickly sapped from you. It made you wonder how Isa was so okay with it until you remembered that they probably felt how you felt with Alcina. You'll gladly give up body heat to be near her. When the girls finally released you, they removed their gloves and showed off their rings, making you chuckle.

"I see they handmade those," You mused after examining the rings. "It also seems that these aren't the ones they showed me before."

"What do you mean?" They asked in unison while simultaneously tilting their heads.

'Equal parts adorable and terrifying.'

"Remember when I was in a coma? Well, one night Isa showed me the rings they had originally made for you three. These are different — only slightly, but it's noticeable — so it appears that Isa found a better design they liked for each of you, which makes them even more unique. It's honestly very adorable."

"They're the best," The triplets purred before pulling you in for another hug. "You kept trying, now you get to be our stepmother."

"...You knew she'd come around, didn't you?"

Daniela pressed into Bela before nodding, the three releasing you from the hug. "I just didn't expect her reaction to be so harsh the first time you confessed. I'm sorry."

"Sweetheart, don't apologize over that. You couldn't have known, plus she's already apologized multiple times for it — sometimes even when she's asleep."

The girls giggled at the thought of their mother sleep-talking just to apologize to you, their attention snapping to the oven when the timer went off. You hummed as you removed the cake, ignoring the girls purring as you mixed blood with the glaze, making a mental note to not put the glaze on it until you've cut it so Isa could have some. Bela was the first to steal a taste of the glaze, a loud purr from her allowing you to know it was the perfect consistency.

Daniela and Cassandra followed suit — both having the same reaction — and you simply rolled your eyes at them. Once the cake had been decorated and cut, you moved a few pieces onto a different plate before adding the glaze, letting a smile take over your face when you felt one of them kiss your cheek. You knew it was a 'Thank you' for setting pieces to the side for Isa, but it was still a very nice gesture from one of your future daughters.

"All set!" You beamed before moving the plates to a cart. "Now we take these to your mother and get her reaction to Isa proposing to you three."

The three purred as they followed you through the halls, making the smile on your face stay the entire time. When you reach their mother's room, their purring stopped and you grew worried. If anything, the purring should've gotten louder — instead, they stopped completely. You glanced back at them and noticed them scrambling to put their gloves on, turning your smile into a frown. The door opened and Isa popped their head out, sending you a smile that nearly made your heart melt.

'Adorable fucking teddy bear.'

"Come on in! I was just about to tell the full story!"

You chuckled as they opened the door and stepped out of the way, allowing you all to enter and the girls to take some cake to their mother. Once the door shut, you offered a plate to Isa, and for a split second, there was a child-like joy in their eyes before their normal mask was back up and they declined. You took mental note of their reaction before noticing Cassandra's frown at them.

"Do they think it'll taste bad?" She asked you softly and you immediately shook your head.

"I doubt that's it," You reassured and let her rest her head on your shoulder. "They have a secret sweet tooth — I'll offer again after the story, okay?"


"No 'but's, Cass. Just... trust me on this, okay?"

"I always trust you, mama." She muttered as her arms wrapped around you and she buried her face against you. "We all trust you with our lives, mama. We love you."

A Thief's Tale [lady dimitrescu x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now