Chapter 5

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After a while, your eyes had slipped shut and memories flooded your dream state. The memories of how and why he lost his vision.

You were locked in a cell again, clinging to the bars as your six year old body shivered. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you tried to shake the bars, quiet whimpers passing your lips.

"Daddy!" You cried out, trying to shake the unmovable bars.

Glowing gold eyes appeared before you, a tall man stepping out of the darkness. His pale face was framed by his blonde hair, making his narrowed gaze all the more intimidating. A soft whimper left you as you backed away from the bars, tearful [E/C] eyes staring up at him.

"When Basil arrives, and we know he will, he will be punished for taking in a halfblood like yourself." The vampire hissed, barring his fangs at you.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as you trembled, not understanding what he meant by 'halfblood'. Basil had always told you you were human, completely human.

"I'm human! Daddy said I am! Why do you want to hurt us?!"

"Because you shouldn't exist, and Basil—."

He froze mid sentence, turning to dust as a blade cut through him. Your eyes widened in fear before Basil's form appeared and opened the cage, you immediately rushing into his arms, crying into his chest.

Basil silently lifted you up before the two of you disappeared, the scene shifting to the both of you in your cabin. After he set you on your bed, you noticed his left eye was more cloudy than before and your little heart shattered.

"Daddy...?" You whispered, reaching an arm up for his face.

Basil kneeled in front of you before resting his cheek in your hand, letting out a low sigh. "I didn't want to tell you this right now but... The council is punishing me by taking away my sight. You know how I had been born blind in my right eye?"

"Yeah, daddy."

"Well, now they're taking away my sight in my right eye. Eventually I'll be completely blind. But, looks like my vision is slightly there at night — mostly outlines — so it's not entirely bad. I don't have to rely on just smell and hearing to find you at night."

Tears rolled down your cheeks again as you placed your other hand on his other cheek, watching his lips curl into a sad smile.

"I might not be able to see you grow up but, I'll still be here as you do."

"Daddy... What's a halfblood?"

You were woken to glass shattering in your room, your body jolting up. The next thing you knew, you were out in the cold and huddling into a familiar scent. Tears finally fell down your cheeks as you clutched onto his shirt, desperately trying to make sure this wasn't a dream.

Once you stopped moving and warmth flooded your body, you were set on a bed. You quickly wiped your tears away, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down.

"I wasn't going to try an attack them again," Basil stated, staring in your direction. "Without you at my side, it would've been nearly impossible. Please, pack everything you can. Lady Dimitrescu isn't the type to give up what she found."

"O-okay." You whispered, quickly moving to pack your things.

After you finished packing, howls cut through the air, making Basil tense up. You didn't even have time to question him before you were pulled away from the door, a lycan managing to break it down. The lycan was forced out of the way by a man with a giant hammer, tattered wide brim fedora, circular sunglasses and a trench coat. The man beamed at the two of you, effortlessly holding his giant hammer.

"So you two are the reason the big bitch called me at this hour?" He laughed, making Basil step in front of you. "For one vampire and one... what exactly are you, kid?"

"She's human." Basil hissed, barring his fangs in the direction of the man.

"Cool it, blind vamp." The man growled and you had to stop Basil from attacking, not wanting him to get too injured. "We just want the girl."

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged." Lady Dimitrescu's voice reached your ears and your blood ran cold, your grip on your father tightening.

"Dad..." You whispered, moving to his side. "I don't want you getting hurt or... Don't fight them, please. Get some help if you have to but, don't do this alone. I can't lose the only family I've ever had."

Even though you were whispering it, you knew the other creatures could hear you, making you nervously shift. Basil frowned before giving in, keeping an arm around you securely.

"If you or your daughters hurt my daughter, I will kill every last one of you." Basil growled, letting a lycan rip you from his side. "Same goes for you, mutt."

You let out a quiet squeak as you were shoved towards lady Dimitrescu, yourself cowering under her intense gaze. She soon picked you up and left with you, your head snapping behind her to keep an eye on your father. The lycans all attacked — well, they tried to. Basil easily stopped time for them before disappearing, making your heart ache.

"I figured he'd come for you but I didn't expect it to be so soon," Lady Dimitrescu stated, a frown clear in her voice. "Nor did I expect him to break another window."

You silently stared at your cabin as she carried you away, watching it get smaller and smaller the farther you got. When she noticed you didn't speak, her gaze landed on you. You slowly shifted in her hold once you could no longer see the cabin, blankly staring ahead.

"I did..." You whispered in response to what she had said, slowly trailing your gaze to meet hers. "I knew he would do all of that. I tried warning you with those stories."

Her gaze narrowed at you and you went silent, letting out a low sigh. The cold wind blew, nipping at your exposed skin and making you cower into your lady, despite the fact that she was just as cold as the breeze. You felt her gaze flicker to you for a brief moment at the action but she said nothing, leading you to believe that she didn't care too much right now.

"What's a halfblood?" You asked softly, the memory from earlier coming back to you.

"Pardon?" She asked in shock, stopping in her tracks.

"I was called that when I was younger by a vampire... My father never told me what it meant, he just said he'd explain one day."

A Thief's Tale [lady dimitrescu x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now