Chapter 16

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"So you'll be our future stepmother someday, right?!"

"Uhm... We'll see, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try."

Six Months later

You made your way to lady Dimitrescu's chambers, a bottle of Sanguis Virginis in your grasp and a low sigh leaving you. It had been five months since lady Dimitrescu had made a deal with your father, that he could visit the castle to see you under one condition — he keeps Heisenberg entertained. You weren't shocked when he accepted it.

I'm just glad father is okay with this. It'd upset the girls if I left. Not sure about lady Dimitrescu though.

You quietly entered her room, pouring her a glass of wine before moving to get her dress, glancing over your shoulder when she stirred. Her eyes opened and dilated upon seeing you, making you fight back a smirk.

"Good morning, dove." You hummed out, hanging her dress near the bed until she was ready to get dressed. "Mother Miranda said she's going to call today — I assume it'll be to discuss you coming to the family meeting."

Lady Dimitrescu sighed, swirling her wine in her glass before taking a sip, a pallid hand coming up to massage her temple. She hated the Family Meetings they had, mainly because of Heisenberg, but she also could never say no to Miranda. You couldn't blame her, from what you've heard and experienced in your dreams, she's very powerful and scary.

"Of course, how could I forget?" She sighed out, taking another sip of her wine. "Keep the girls out of trouble today, please."

"Don't I always, dove?" You chuckled out, grinning when she gave you a pointed look. "Okay, okay-. I promise to keep them out of trouble, my dove."

She hummed and finished her wine before standing, signaling you she was ready to get dressed.

After you had helped her get dressed, you poured her another glass of wine before the two of you left her chambers. You stared ahead, quiet as a mouse for once, as the two of you walked.

Great, just great. I have to keep an eye on the gremlins which means they'll try to convince me to confess to their mother again. They might succeed this time. How the fuck am I supposed to tell my very deadly boss I've liked her since I set eyes on her?! How am I supposed to tell the girls if she rejects me?! Oh fuck... if she rejects me, will she kill me or make me leave the castle? Either way would crush th-.

"Are you alright today?" Your lady inquired, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Ah, yes- yes everything is alright, my lady. I suppose I'm just a little lost in thought." You responded quietly, a small frown on your face at the thoughts that had been plaguing your mind.

"What happened to my dove?" She chuckled out, keeping her predator-like gaze on you.

"I remembered you don't like it."

You let her duck into the dining room first, following her quietly as she took a seat and ignoring the worried looks from her daughters. Once your lady was seated, you bowed to her daughters and moved to stand against the wall, quietly observing the other maids that brought out the food.

The girls talked amongst each other; giggling and mentioning their latest scares or torture sessions, occasionally looking up at their mother for praise — which she willingly gave to them. You remained silent, observing the family until they were finished eating and talking, Daniela swarming over to you the moment her mother dismissed them.

"What's wrong?" She asked quietly, fiddling with her gloves.

"Just... lost in thought, lady Daniela."

She hissed at you and narrowed her eyes, a small pout forming on her face. "I told you to stop calling me that."

"I apologize, lady Daniela." You murmured, bowing your head to her.

Daniela grumbled and swarmed over to her sisters, the three of them conversing and glancing back to you as they left the dining room. When lady Dimitrescu stood, you stepped away from the wall and followed her out of the room, nervously walking back to her chambers with her.

Upon entering her chambers, the phone began to rang and a low groan left her crimson lips. You smirked slightly and began to pour her another glass of wine as she answered the phone, bringing it to her as she began to speak.

"Yes, mother Miranda, I'll be there as soon as possible." There was a pause, presumably mother Miranda speaking to her. "Yes, mother Miranda. I understand."

She took the glass and swirled her wine mindlessly, letting you move about her chambers to clean what you could. You eventually tuned out the call, focusing on cleaning until you heard lady Dimitrescu clear her throat, your eyes snapping towards her.

"My lady?" You hummed, tilting your head at her.

"I'll be leaving now. Remember your promise."

"Of course, my dove. I never break a promise."

She hummed and left the room, you following close behind. After she left the castle and the doors shut, flies swarmed around you, pulling you away from the door and into a dark room.

Three pairs of gold eyes stared down at you from the darkness, earning a soft sigh from you.

"My ladies. Do you need anything?"

"When are you going to tell mother?!"

a little shorter than normal but i'm about to pass out so 🥴

also, to new people, if you'd like stories to read between uploads here, i do have a lot of other stories for most of the other female re8 villains.
i don't have one for donna anymore but, hopefully one day i'll have one again.

A Thief's Tale [lady dimitrescu x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat