Chapter 3

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"He'd train me to run and hide from monsters," You whispered with slight pride, your gaze landing on her. "It got to the point that even he couldn't find me. He got so worried when he realized he might've lost his only child."

"What an interesting pair."

You simply shrugged at her words, locking eyes with her. He'd come for you eventually and you'd never see her nor her daughters again, you couldn't wait for that day. A faint smirk appeared on her face, making you quirk an eyebrow in her direction.

"Tell me more about your relationship with him." She ordered, a gleam of curiosity in her eyes.

You scoffed at her order, turning your head away from her. It was a tough subject, one you didn't want to talk about to the woman who had separated you from your father, but also one you found yourself speaking on anyway.

"He found me when I was four," You started softly, wrapping your arms around your knees and pulling them to your chest despite the pain you were in. "I was a common street rat — an orphan left to die in the alleyways. I stole to survive, the village I'm from didn't like that — they caught me plenty of times... Each time the punishment was worse. When he found me, there was talk of killing me."

Your gaze landed on the lady whom had taken a seat next to the bed, when the chair had been brought in the room, you didn't know. She listened silently — intently — as you spoke, as if she was genuinely interested in what you were saying.

"He froze time, in that village, for everyone but him and I. When I told him that I was stealing food because I was hungry, he got angry and freed me. The rest is history."

"And why try to steal from me?" She asked with genuine curiosity, one leg crossing over the other elegantly.

"After that, he swore I'd never have to steal to eat again. I didn't. But, we did declare war on the rich. Vowing to steal from every rich person we could to distribute the wealth to the starving and homeless."

A brief look of shock flashed in her eyes before being replaced with something unknown, a smile gracing her features. Before she could speak, a knock was heard on the door, making her frown and sigh. She called for whoever it was to enter and the door opened to reveal her daughters, their eyes landing on you immediately. The eldest and youngest were glaring at you, meanwhile Cassandra had a shy smile.

Does she really remember what I looked like in the cellars? That won't be good... I need to speak to her privately.

"Mother," Bela stated, tearing her gaze away from you. "We've come to patch up the new maid."

"I'd rather do it myself." You grumbled, glaring at the eldest daughter.

"Last time I checked, you work for us. You don't get to make decisions anymore." Daniela hissed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Besides, you wouldn't be able to get the one on your back."

You stared at her for a moment before sighing in defeat, ignoring the giggles from the girls. They swarmed over to you, Daniela lifting your shirt.

"Now girls," Lady Dimitrescu hummed, glancing at her daughters. "Simply patch her up, don't try to drink from her."

"Yes, mother." They said in unison, watching their mother leave the room.

Surprisingly, they did exactly as their mother said. You were properly bandaged and neither sister said anything or tried to drink your blood, it was oddly calming. When Daniela released your shirt, they swarmed off of the bed, staring at you intently.

"We heard what you told mother." Cassandra murmured, nervously fiddling with her sickle.

"Gonna stab me for obeying your mom?" You teased, offering a small smile when she glared at you.

"No. We just wanted to say; that that explains why you were able to outrun us."

Good, she hasn't mentioned the cellar incident.

"I did say that I was raised by a vampire." You countered, gently gripping the sheets below you. "But yes, that is why."

I had to hide from a blind fucking vampire, of course I'd be able to out run four vampires with sight. The only time I ever had practice with him when he could see was at night with his night vision, which isn't that great anyway.

"Anything else, my ladies?" You asked sweetly, waiting for their response.

"Can your father see?" Bela asked, making you tense up immediately.

"Of course he can." You growled, watching the three of them flinch away. "I-I'm sorry, my ladies... anything about him will be a... touchy subject."

They all nodded before they seemed to come back to their senses, Daniela growling at you. "Don't ever growl at any of us again."

"O-of course, lady Daniela." You whispered nervously, cowering from her slightly.

She seemed to be pleased with your reaction, a smile taking over her features. Cassandra eyed you closely, not paying attention when her sisters left the room. They seemed to not be bothered by her staying, which made you slightly nervous. Once the door shut, she sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes staring at the floor.

"What you told our mother..."

"Yeah, it's why I looked like that in the cellar." You answered the unfinished question, your gaze training on her.

"Your eyes turned gold when you responded to Bela," She stated, her eyes shifting to lock with yours. "Did you ever find out who your parents were while being raised by him?"

"No. He said that whoever my parent was, clearly didn't care for me..." You sighed, looking away from her. "But he always refers to them as one being — like he knows who the other is or... what happened to them."

You saw her nod out of your peripheral vision, making you relax slightly. It was odd, having one of them stay and actually be civilized, but you knew that you had actually shocked her. You did often put up a facade of an overly confident person but, everyone has their traumas.

"Thank you, by the way." You hummed, locking eyes with her again.

"For what?" She asked quietly, tilting her head.

"For not bringing up the cellar thing around the others. Even my father hasn't seen me like that."

"I won't tell a soul," She sent you a smirk, watching you closely. "But you owe me a taste of your blood one day."

"Whatever." You chuckled, smiling a bit wider at her giggle. "You know, you're not that bad when you aren't trying to kill me."

"And you aren't that bad when you aren't being overly cocky."

my best friend and i have a plan for basil. most will be explained two chapters from now (in a dream/flashback)

A Thief's Tale [lady dimitrescu x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now