Chapter 18

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"[Y/N]..." She started, narrowing her gaze at you.

"Ye-yes, my lady?"

"I think we need to talk."

You hesitantly nodded and watched her walk to her vanity, your body trembling as you cautiously walked towards her.

This is it. I either die, get fired and kicked out, or just get rejected. I can feel it — there's no way she returns these feelings.

She locked eyes with you through the vanity mirror, making you immediately look down, head hanging low. Your heart already ached but you weren't prepared for what came next.

"You're human," She started, the coldness of her tone making you shrink in on yourself. "I could never love a human."

That's one stab to the heart.

"I could never love you. Compared to me, you're nothing but a mere ant."

That's another.

"The fact that you could even think I could return your feelings is hysterical to me."

Keep going, why don't you?

"From here on out," She hummed out, turning to face you. "You will no longer call me any pet names — if you do so, I'll kill you immediately. There will be no more flirting or using analogies to do so. You're just a handmaiden — yes you're the grand handmaiden but, you're still nothing compared to me. Honestly, thinking I could love you? You're no better than those man-things if you honestly believe that."

Okay, I was kidding. Please stop this torture.

"It's best if you get over these emotions so, you'll be helping me a lot less until you do, understand?"

I don't think I'll ever be over these emotions.

"I understand, my lady." You whispered out, the tone of your voice lacking the warmth it normally held. "I—I knew this was a stupid idea and I should've tried to push these feelings away. I deeply apologize."

"You're dismissed for the night." Lady Dimitrescu sighed out, handing you the note.

You bowed to her and clutched the note to your chest, quietly making your way out of her chambers and into the hall. Once a good distance from her room, three swarms of flies surrounded you — but you didn't stop like normal. You kept walking, even when they called out to you. The only thing that stopped you was the three of them wrapping their arms around you to hold you in place.

"Wha—." Daniela started before noticing the note in your clenched fist, going silent after.

"I'm sorry, lady Daniela," You whispered out, afraid if you spoke louder you'd just crumble. "And I'm sorry to the two of you as well, ladies Bela and Cassandra... I can't be your stepmother."

They slowly released you and tried to turn you to face them, causing you to shake your head and pull away from them.

"I need to be alone right now." You breathed out, making your way to your room.

Once you entered your room, you noticed Basil sat on your bed and locked your door, watching him stand slowly. You immediately rushed over to him and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his shoulder while silent tears streamed down your cheeks. He awkwardly pat your head as his other arm wrapped around you, a soft sigh passing his lips.

"Should I ask?" He inquired softly, continuing to awkwardly pat your head.

"N-no." You whimpered out, clinging to him. "Ju-just h-hold me... okay dad?"

"Okay, kiddo." He whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I'll just hold you."

He moved the two of you to lay on the bed, letting you cry against him until you grew tired. Once your tears stopped, you gave him the letter and turned over, your eyelids growing heavy.

"She rejected me." You whispered before sleep took over.

Giggles reached your ears and made you turn around to come face-to-face with your daughters, a soft smile on your features as you noticed the blood around their mouths. With a soft sigh, you motioned them over to you and cleaned their mouths, shaking your head at their grumbles.

"Your aunt Donna is on her way over, I know you three don't like looking all bloody in front of her. Now, go bathe." You ordered, ignoring Cassandra's grumbling.

They all swarmed away and you were immediately lifted into the air, your gaze shifting to land on your beautiful wife. Warmth filled your chest upon seeing her, the loving look in her eyes making your heart skip a beat.

"What did the council say?" She hummed out, letting you cling to her and pepper kisses on her cheek.

"That since we're married now," You hummed, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth. "My father can turn me. I can become a full fledged vampire and spend eternity with our family."

Cheers came from the other side of the door, making you roll your eyes and fight back a smile. "Didn't I tell you three to go bathe?!"

"Fine, mama!" They grumbled in unison, buzzing filling the air once more.

"Gremlins." You grumbled with a smile.

"Stop calling our daughters that." Alcina laughed, carrying you to a chair before sitting down, setting you in her lap.

"Tell them to stop being gremlins then."

You woke to a crash outside of your door and let out a low groan, trying to sit up only for Basil to gently push you onto the bed again. With a finger pressed to his lips, he made his way to your door and creaked it open, a frown on his face now.

"Let [Y/N] rest," He sighed, glancing back at you. "She's hurting... don't bombard her just yet."

"But this is our fault!" Daniela's voice came. It sounded so broken and full of regret that it shattered your heart.

"Please..." Cassandra's voice was hard to hear, but you definitely caught the voice crack.

"He's right," Bela's voice called out, a lot rougher than usual. "We should give her space... She'll talk to us when she's ready."

You could tell there was hesitation on their part but, buzzing quickly took place of their voices before growing faint. Basil shut the door and made his way back over to you, milky white eyes staring into nothing as kneeled next to you.

"How long do you want me to stay this time?"

"I don't know, dad... I don't know anything anymore."

A Thief's Tale [lady dimitrescu x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now