Chapter Twenty Three

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The day i had to present my charity project I was pacing back in fourth in my bedroom. I opted for a professional look and the girls braided my long hair and put me in a sophisticated plain dress with nice heels. I went over my speech in my head until it was tattooed to my brain and I could recite it without looking.

There was a knock on my door and i looked up as I continued to pace and bite my long manicured nails.

"Come in." I called, then went back to pacing.

The door opened and closed quietly and when I looked up I saw Will standing there. Just the sight of him unexpectedly made my heart ache

He finally got a hair cut. He looked devastatingly handsome in his pressed, dark gray, suit. He had a sly smile hanging on his lips and his eyes were alight with mischief. I knew immediately he was up to no good.

I continued to pace and bite my nails while he shoved his hands in his front pockets. "Go away William."

His eyebrows shot up and he looked amused. "So I'm William now?"

I rolled my eyes and continued to repeat my speech in my head. "You're ruining my concentration."

His eyes widened and his lips parted. "Oh?"

Annoyed I stopped to look at him and placed my hands on my hips. "My concentration is being shot to hell." He grinned. "Knock it off." I pointed an accusatory finger at him.

Will just laughed and stepped closer, stopping by the head board of the bed. I felt my heart beat pick up. What was he doing?

Was he purposely trying to distract me?

"You look beautiful."

I squinted at him. "I know."

He laughed.

"I don't find this funny." I crossed my arms over my chest. "You're being distracting. What are you up to?"

Before i had time to process it Will took one step towards me and slung his arm around my waist. I tripped over my get and when i tried to slither out of his grip i realized it was no use. He had an iron grip.


I was ready to shoot a million curse words at him and whine until my lips were numb and his ears fell off but one simple gesture made me clamp my mouth shut.

Will leaned over and his nose grazed my jaw until his lips met my hear. My palms started to grow sweaty and i felt skin being lit on fire. I suddenly didn't want to fight back so much anymore.

Her breathed out and it felt warm, tickling my skin and causing a few hairs to fly around. He shifted his weight and the arm around my waist got tighter as if he were securing me in place.

He whispered, "Knock them dead, my darling."

I let out a deep breath i didn't realize i was holding in. Her kissed my neck then released me and it felt like a gust of cold air was knocking me back. He left the room and i tumbled into the seat behind me.

I started blankly at the door in his wake. I couldn't even think straight for a moment. Was that him showing his faith in me? Trying to be romantic? I had no idea. Just.....



The conference room in the palace was converted into something more useful to us. An enormous round table sat in the center on the room and there were cameras set up. Gavril jr. And the man that would take his place after the holidays when he retired, Jonah Attlim, were talking to the microphone in animated voices.

It was a big event, this charity project, and everyone looked pristine. I looked around when i noticed princess Rosie. She winked at me.

"Don't you look professional." She said.

I grinned at her. "Thank you."

She fell into place by my side and we around the enormous room together. The furniture was dark cherry wood and leather while the floors were covered in a Persian carpet half the size of the room. The drapes over the large windows were pulled back casting light on the old book shelves.

"Keep looking important and proper. It's giving my mother hell." She raised and eyebrow with a tiny smirk and looked a tad bit evil. "I love it."

I laughed. "Don't be too hard on her," Rosie shot her head around and looked at me like i had two heads. "She only hates me a little."

Rosie laughed and i joined with get until we parted ways. I stood in the far left corner of the room,with my hands folded, and waited for everyone to arrive. Tiny came first and i caught a glimpse of her poster board.

She was concentrating on civil rights regardless of former caste.

Then Krystal came in and she liked beautiful in a long flowing blue dress. She was all for protecting the ocean and wildlife. I liked her idea.

For some strange reason i couldn't found Beverly and i knew she was here because the other day i heard she was doing her charity project on restoration of old historic buildings.

Ora slipped into the space beside me and she smirked like she knew all the secrets of the world. I rolled my eyes but smiled because i couldn't help it.

"Have you been ruining lives again?" I teased her.

Ora ignored my jab but grinned wider. "I just watched the most satisfying thing in history."

I chuckled and watched as Jonah smiled in front of the camera talking about something i couldn't hear. "And what would that be?"

I saw America and Maxon walk in and immediately my world lit up. I smiled so wide my face cracked. It was Maxon who saw me first and he wrinked at me. Then America liked over and she smiled before a reporter came over and i lost their attention.

"I just watched that slut get dropped like she's got even though she's not."

I nearly cracked my neck turning to look at her. My eyebrows shot up. "What?"

Ora grinned at me then looked over, swaying back and forth on her heels. "Conbitch Kennehoe."

My jaw hit the ground and my arm swung out instinctively and hit her. She laughed while clutching her arm and complained i had hurt her.

I was freaking ecstatic.

"Shut up!"

She smiled widely. "Got kicked out last night and she finally left today!"

Something strange was happening and i felt something deep down in my heart that i couldn't describe. No wonder i hadn't seen her since a few days ago.

The realization dawned on me. This was it. Tiny and Krystal were only here because they had to be. Will was going to propose, finally, do it the right way and everyone who had ever caused me a problem in this stupid selection was gone.

That was why he came to my room today.

The king and queen cake in and suddenly i didn't hate her anymore. I suddenly didn't care i wanted to walk up to her and call her mom then laugh because she was stuck with me for the rest of my life.

I was just speechless and my heart was racing and i couldn't breathe and i couldn't stop giggling. I needed to find Will. I needed to found him and tell him-!

Then she walked into the room.

You Have My Heart, Lady Illea (A Lady Illea Novel)Where stories live. Discover now