Chapter Twenty Two

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On my way to my bedroom after dinner the next day I decided to take a stroll through the palace. I came across the part of the palace where the portraits lined the walls and the large glass windows gave you a beautiful view of the land.

Now I know what these paintings are. They're Will's. That's why they're paintings of everyone in his family but himself. It felt like ages since I found him in the art room first.

I didn't dare go in because it came to me that he might be in there and I still didn't want to see him. I was having a hard time coming to terms with talking to him. I was a mess and needed to get my act together.


Next week.

I'll get my act together next week.

I turned the corner when I bumped into someone. I gasped, and jumped back, ready to mutter a million apologies when I realized who it us. The Queen's lips were parted and her cheeks turned scarlet. I raised an eyebrow. I had never seen Eadlyn turn red before.

She straightened out her dress and adjusted her crown on her head. I folded my hands in front of myself but didn't look down. Instead I continued to look at her and I noticed she seemed a bit uncomfortable.


I looked at her. "Hi."

She squirmed a little more and looked around. "Forgive me, I did not see you."

"You're in a bit of a rush," I said to her. "Off to plan my death?"

Her light brown eyes widened in horror. "I am not a monster!" she squealed. "Besides, I liked you once! Remember, I smiled at you before!"

I thought to myself for a moment and she was right. Once upon a time, a million years ago, when I there was around 20 of us the Queen was very kind to me. I just wondered what made that change. Something significant must have happened that lead to her hating me. I wish I knew what it was.

"You make no sense to me, it's confusing."

Eadlyn frowned. "I feel the same way about you." she said matter-of-factly. "It scares me how my son feels for you."

I swallowed hard. "Well, I better be going."

I went to walk around her when she turned around and gently touched my wrist.

"Lady Alessandra," I looked at her and there was something unreadable about her expression. But it was soft. "I know what happened that night wasn't your fault. I'm sorry."

I took my hand back and she sensed my discomfort. She didn't back down but instead kept looking at me intently as if I could get the answers in her eyes but I could not. I folded my hands and cleared my throat.

"Good evening, your Majesty."

She bowed her head. "Good evening."

I walked back to my room in much more of a daze. I tried to shake the strange conversation I had with the queen from my head. Was she acting rashly because she was the Queen that didn't want to see a juvenile take over her thrown or was she acting worriedly because she was a mother terrified for her child's heart.

I turned the door knob to my bed room door and when I tried to push the door open nothing happened. I frowned. I pushed harder and the door opened just a crack. I was suddenly growing annoyed and confused.

"Girls, if you're playing a stupid prank on me cut it out! I'm tire-!" With one push the door opened and my jaw nearly hit the floor.


Roses everywhere.

I couldn't see the floor anymore and it looked like it rained buckets of roses in my bedroom. I tried pushing the door further open but there were so many roses on the floor the door was wedged in its spot. I stepped into my room and shut the door behind me.

Roses petals on my vanity and rose buds tied together, strung along my walls and larger furniture. My bed was cloaked in roses and I lifted my feet, struggling to walk over the roses, and tried to put together how all those flowers could've possibly gotten there.

I heard a clunk and flew around. I heard it again at a constant interval.




I realized someone was throwing pebbles at my window. I grabbed my robe, and struggling to climb over the roses, I pulled my balcony doors open as far as I could and a gust of December air nearly knocked me off my feet. There were roses even on my balcony and I tried wedging myself through the tiny space between the doors.

I nearly flew over the side of the balcony and my eyes caught sight of the gardens my eyes flew open. It was sunset and the lit was hitting Will perfectly. He was grinning in that boyish manner he rarely grinned in and it made my heart swell. He was wearing a long dark trench coat with leather gloves.

He tossed another pebble.

Spelled out on the ground in rose petals was one simple word.


"Hello my darling!" He called up.

"Will!" I shouted down. I looked back and forth between my room and him frantically. "My bedroom, was that you-!"

He just grinned wider and suddenly it felt as if I ran a marathon. I slouched over the balcony and looked at him.

"Will, honey, I cannot even walk in my bedroom!" I said but he just wouldn't stop smiling and tossing pebbles. "I think you went overboard!"

Will couldn't stop smiling and suddenly I felt the ice inside my heart begin to thaw. He just looked so happy. Was this that silly surprise he kept going on about? I started to wonder why we haven't been talking this whole time.

He bowed his head. "A reminder!" he called back. "Oh how much," and he touched his heart, his expression turning serious and endearing, and the boyish grin disappearing. "Oh how much I love you my darling. And for whatever reason you're mad at me I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

"I'm tired of fighting with you."

Suddenly even I forgot why I was so mad at him. I found myself laughing and smiling for some unknown reason. I picked up a rose off the flower and looked at him. I winked at him.

"You did well."

I turned around and went back into my room.

I could hear him laughing.




I legit forgot why she's mad at him. I'm so serious. That's how you KNOW it's been too long. Can someone please remind me?

I figured it's time you guys get closer to your happy ending.

I love these guys and want to see them happy.

I have a few more plot twists going but....I might go easy on you.

And btw when you guys highlight this it lights up my world like nothing else (1D reference because I had to)

XOXO Lilly

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