Chapter 042

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"Make yourself comfortable."

A sweet smile welcomed Eunmi to the new unknown place.

Her mind wandered back to the party.

She woke up seeing Yeonjun fast asleep beside her. She carefully left the tent, going to a secluded part of the garden. Sitting on the ground, watching the moon and stars move. That is until she heard a voice.

"Why are you alone?" He sat beside her.

"I want to leave this place." She said. Tired of trying to mask her true thoughts.

"Then why don't you?"

"I can't. I'm stuck here."

He smiled, standing up. "Then I'll help you."


He stretched his hand out. "Just like how Peter Pan left with Wendy. Left no clues for their parents to follow them to Neverland."

She chuckled. Accepting his hand. "Alright."

She proceeds to walk inside, it looks much bigger than the mansion she escaped from. Huge paintings, stunning chandeliers, dim lights, it feels like she's inside a castle.

Eunmi shyly sat on the sofa. Examining her surroundings that looks rather lonely despite its size.

She turned her gaze to the man, remembering a piece of conversation they had. "You live here alone?"

"Yes." He said, pouring the tea on their cups.

Eunmi widened her eyes. "Really? But this place is so big."

"Some people come once in a while to clean and report to me about some work... that's it. Only that for decades now."

She gasped. "You must have felt so lonely."

He stood up with a sigh, walking towards the enormous portrait of him in the living room. "I'm used to it. Weakness is never allowed."

"Once you see weakness, you kill it." He added, turning around and gesturing a gun with his fingers. "Bang!"

"Come here."

Eunmi followed him. Shaking her thoughts off of what he just said.

She slowly examined the painting. Blinking in awe with how majestic it looks.

The golden frame made the piece look more regal. His mighty gaze with a stance of a victorious king will put anyone in trance. But the rather bloody floor he stood from and the weapons in his clothes caught her attention.

"And I would say it isn't lonely. I would rather be alone than be surrounded with beings unworthy of my time."

She understood him. Looking back at as to why she left in the first place, she too, would rather be alone than staying any longer with her 'family'.

He starts to walk behind her. "This art means two things— Me, winning and you, losing, once you get in my way."

Eunmi remained staring at the painting. His haunting words seems to not affect her at all. She had seen someone worse.

He chuckled. It gradually becoming a laugh as it gets louder, echoing throughout the room. "They should face a sorrowful fate, to y'know, commemorate my wrath."

His grimacing grin hides behind her back. His hand silently grabbing the diamond-studded dagger in his belt, its sound ever so lightly colliding with the holder.

"Mister, you sound so vengeful."

"Vengeful? If you say so."

Slowly, he started positioning his dagger as his twisted grin got wider.

Counting under his breath, preparing to launch his attack. "Three"



Eunmi turned around, holding his arms, making him hide his weapon with a widened eyes.

"Mister, thank you so much for helping me get out of the mansion." Her genuinely grateful and naive tone made him blink, taking a step back to regain his composure. "Well, that's surprising."

To the long years he had mastered his craft, no one dodged nor stopped his attacks like that, especially when its a silent one.

What adds to his surprise more is that she managed to do those things 'obliviously'.

"I really don't want to bother you anymore Mister, I'm going to leave now." She bowed, going back to the couch to grab her bag and jacket.

His smile faltered. His malevolent eyes watched her as his mind came up with multiple ideas. How should he end her? He loved every scenarios his mind came up for him, each of them getting bloodier.

But maybe he is speeding things up. So he slowly hid back his thoughts at the back of his mind, to which he knows he would soon deliciously feast on doing.

"Why don't you live here with me?"

Charmolypi || Yeonjun حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن