Chapter 035

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From the killer's attack and Sora's father's death, they had reached both their breaking and turning point. The two families parted ways after a few days and flew somewhere far, somewhere safer.

The Lees kept moving and changing address. Legends even say that they had lived in every city there is in Korea.

Meanwhile, the Chois went overseas. Sora used the money her father left for her to start building the business she had been envisioning since middle school.

Ever since the day she learned that it was just one same person behind both her parents' death, she pursued power with utmost rage. She wanted all the power there is until her family will be deemed extremely strong and untouchable.

A desire sourly formed from anger, fear, and determination.

There were almost no communication between the two families since. Only Sora and Mark exchanging letters every now and then.

Even the killings have stopped. Everything seemed peaceful as the killer is gone and quiet.


Present Day


"Don't talk to me"

"I thought we're close now.." Eunmi pouted. Heart shattering after waking up feeling like a sunflower receiving the 'full sun' for the first time.

Maybe being able to get out her thoughts and feelings through a bit of words and crying yesterday helped her greatly. But the events still remained heavy in her heart.

"We're not. You are just delusional." Yeonjun munched on his chocolate as he judge the girl whom was giving him sad puppy eyes.

"I would just like to thank you for coming with me and carrying me yesterday."

"You caused me trouble."

"I know. I'm so sorry."

Thump thump.

Yeonjun looked away.

What's wrong with me these days?

He briefly looked at her again before clearing his throat. "Yeah yeah whatever."


Fog started to form inside the shower stall.

Warm water dripped down Eunmi's body, as she adjusted the shower valve in front so she would be comfortable.

At first, it would make her tremble every time she sees water. Her near-death experience made her weak around it. It even came to the point where she refuses washing her hands.

Thankfully though after Donghyuck's perseverance, she had started to overcome her fear.

This is actually the third time she would ever take a shower by herself.

Slowly, she scrubbed her body. Staring at her porcelain-like skin as she furrowed her brows.

Is it her or her skin just seemed clear? Sure, everyone would've been happy having a healthy skin that she has but for someone who remembers living with a physically and emotionally abusive parent figure, her body seemed too healthy, too clean.

Shouldn't there be any wounds? Any scars?

The only two things that remained in her body was the scar in her forehead and in her scalp, which look prominent til today. Although, she had always been covering it with her bangs.

She bit her lips. Quickly washing off the soap from her body as she stepped outside to look in the sink's mirror.

Her mind was feeling fuzzy. Turning around to check her neck, her back, her legs. All nothing.

Clear, too clear.

Maybe everything healed?

Her eyes kept scanning every inch of her skin, looking for any hints of scars, of violence. Maybe she felt like she needed validation that those really happened.

Because these days different voices in her head kept saying many different things. Some degrades her, scares her, cheers her up. And some questions just everything.

Maybe she wanted to shut her own self up and prove that her only memory was indeed right.

Or was it?

She narrowed her eyes down, a tiny piece of cursive writing caught her attention. It was embedded in her skin, a small tattoo on her hips.

She wasn't able to read it clearly so she went outside and grabbed her phone to snap a close picture of it.

The air inside her room began to feel suffocating as she stare at the image. Her phone fell right to the ground as her mind tried to comprehend the name of what is tatted on her skin.

Her head was crumbling. Eyes closing as her ears began to ring loudly.

Her fist tightened as tears harshly fell from her eyes.


"Everyone is a fucking liar."

Repeatedly, she kept hitting her head as her eyes glared at her surroundings.

"My mind is a fucking liar."

She heavily took steps back inside the bathroom, heart and head pounding with unexplainable emotions.

Her angry fist swung right to her reflection. Jaw clenching as she stare back of what's in front of her, blood dripping from her hand.

"Who are you."

Her reflection could now represent what it really is inside her.

Her true self.

She stared back at her own eyes, the broken mirror, the broken soul.

It is right in front of her now, she could finally see it.

The image is complete.

Her glare then turned into a sad and regretful expression as her silent tears became loud cries.

" uncle.. "

Charmolypi || Yeonjun Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ