Chapter 010

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Eunmi's POV

I stared outside, looking at these places that is lost in the sea of my memories. Just like that they got carried away.

Places I was once were, they give me this feeling of familiarity yet I don't know them.

To the now 'unexplored sea of my memories', waiting to be explored and remembered.

Honestly, I'm afraid

Afraid to jump at this sea alone,
afraid at the thought of it's coldness touching my skin.

Afraid of me drowning,

Afraid that no one is there to save me.

Or maybe I just fear the unknown.

"Eunmi we're here" I nodded at mom getting ready to go out.

Suddenly, my breathe hitched as three heads popped out the window staring at me. They look like they're looking right at my soul.

One began to cry and the other one comforted him, while the other one is still staring at me with a wide smile

He opened the door and the other one pulled me out of the car and hugged me.

The others hugged me as well, my breathings becoming heavy as tears started to form in my eyes.

I smiled, it's them.

Soobin, Kai, and Beomgyu.

They're here.

I guess I'm not alone after all,  maybe I should not be afraid anymore.

I'm with them.

"Yah! Choi Eunmi I missed you so much." Huening Kai sniffs while wiping his tears away.

"NO! I missed her moree." Beomgyu murmured in my shoulders hugging me tighter whilst crying even more.

Then they started to argue about who missed me more, with me laughing at them. They look like kids.

"Stop guys. I missed her more that's it!"

The two stopped arguing and stared at Soobin who is now massaging his temples stressed at the two.

"nnNOoooO!!!!" The two said at the same time.

I giggled at them, "Guys I missed you too." I smiled widely

"Kids let's go, are you planning to come in or"

"COMINGG" the four of us said in unison which made mom giggle.

"Eunmi, there is a white bag in your room, put the things you want to bring home in there, Ok?"

"Yes mom, thank you!"

Soobin slapped Beomgyu's arms "You're not Eunmi!!"

I chuckled at them as I wander around the house.

I can still remember, behind that door.

Right there,

Me and Uncle

It is the only thing that I can remember

"You remember it don't you?" I looked at the owner of the voice, sighing.

"What do I do? It's the only thing that I can actually remember from the past."

And maybe the most painful thing that I can remember.

"And maybe the most painful thing that you could remember..." I widened my eyes at him.

"Beomgyu, do you have some sort of powers..did you just read my mind?!"

We laughed at each other.

"Really? I guess I have a newly discovered powers then" He said in between his laughs

"Besides we have our birth days next to each other.. reading your mind is a piece of cake."

"Does birthdays really have something to do with us?"

"Bingo! It is very special plus we'll be celebrating a birthday for two days isn't that fun?" We laughed again.


"Kai calm down we're just talking about our birthdays you know... what's special about it.." Beomgyu said.

"That's right, but what is too special about it? It could just be a cute coincidence." I jokingly told him and he just stared at me with an indescribable look in his expressions. "Who knows?"

He quickly altered his expressions and wiggled his eyebrows at me. "What if there's a special meaning or connection."

I just rolled my eyes at him, chuckling.

"I thought there will be some birthday party happening. Anyways, Eunmi where is your room?" Kai asked.

"Mom said it will be the second room upstairs to the right."

"Let's go then!"

"Let's Go!!"

The two ran onto my room excitedly, kids indeed.


I hummed at the voice turning to face the tall friend behind me.

"Thank you"

I look up at him. "Why?"

He brought up a colorful notebook filled with different kinds of design. "For this. I don't know if you remember but, you kept this notebook I gave you."


"I'm so happy. Eunmi thank you"

"Your welcome, besides I should be the one thanking you because you gave it to me even though we didn't know each other before. You had putted some messages and cute drawings there, it truly made me happy. I treasure it a lot. Thank you."

He widened his eyes, opening his mouth but no words came out.

I raised my brow at him confused at what he was trying to say.

He held my shoulders and started to shake me aggressively. "You can remember it!!!!"

Realization hits me.

"I did!! I actually remembered something!!" Now it is my turn to shake him from excitement.

Soobin hugged me then swinging me around. "I'm proud of you."

"Your memories are coming back to you I'm so happy."

I can't believe that I actually remembered something,

Maybe the sea, isn't bad as I expected it to be.

Thanks to everyone.

Thank you.

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