Chapter 031

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Sora slowly rocked herself on the swing. The cloudy night-sky that is absent of any stars served as a reflection of her heart. Dark and gloomy.

After her talk with Jaehyun, she went straight to the playground. There were no other people, no sound of melodic screams and laughs of the kids, just her and her lonely sobs.

She doesn't even know what to feel.

She remembers it. That night where she and her father were in the dining table, happily waiting for her mother to come home, but she never did. That same night where Jaehyun called her saying that the place her mother works exploded.

She still gets nightmares of that exact moment, every night and day, even when she's awake.

She genuinely don't even know what and how she should feel.

Almost every thoughts, feelings and emotions comes up.

At the same time she feels numb. She's both void and full of everything that she thinks she's slowly but surely losing her sanity.

Her mind seems to come back to Yeonjun. What is it that she feels? She's so happy that he survived, she's concerned about his future, she's sad about the tragedy, and she's angry.


At some point, thoughts just pop up in her head screaming, "Why was he able to survive and not my mom?"

"Why did my mom die instead of them?"

"Can't they be the one who's dead and not my mom?"

And so she's back at it again, another round of cries.

A handkerchief was placed in front of her. Looking up to see the familiar face of the owner whose eyes were filled with worry.

Sora sniffed. "I don't need your handkerchief, they'll just dry on their own."

Mark sighed, kneeling in front of the swing. "Why are you crying?"

Sora looked at him. "Why are you here?"

"I passed by, I saw you, so I'm here."

"You could have just passed by, looked at me and continued walking."

Mark just let her with her sarcastic remarks. He continued bringing up his hand and wiping her tears himself. He continued again until he was caressing her face. Making sure that everything is maintained under an eye contact.

He was truly fascinated by Sora. They've known each other for many years now and she is one intriguing person.

Just like today, how she seems to keep pushing him away with her words as if she doesn't want him there. But she also melts and responds with his touch as she lets him wipe her tears, as if she doesn't want him to leave.

How she also cries. He always thought of himself, how does one cry like that? Of all the times he saw Sora cry, she had only cried in one specific way. Crying with no expressions, unless she was happy.

It was quite creepy and heartbreaking for him. She just lets her tears flow and flow but her expression remains the same, it has nothing. It was like he's looking at someone's who's dead.

Someone who is torturously feeling everything in an extreme manner, so now they are dead. Someone who is numb. Like a soul anchored in this world with her painful feelings, that soul of a ghost. Chained down, unfree and exhausted.

You could always see it in their eyes, the sadness.

And that is how Sora is. How it looks like life was drained out from her body.

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