Chapter 001

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Eunmi's POV

I walked around my newly found home, it is incredibly large. I inhaled looking at every piece of the seemingly beautiful mansion and familiarizing myself with the surroundings.

I stopped as an exhilarating view stood before me. As if I was in actual paradise, never have I seen a garden as breathtaking as this. I was in awe with my surroundings.

I approached a bench and lowered myself onto it, taking in a deep breath.

I never knew that I would be able to see a place like this.

This feels like heaven.

Of course, for someone who have been through hell? Even the tiniest things considered good or even normal, all of them are heaven.

Too bad for me it is my first time experiencing this,

experiencing good things,

experiencing heaven.

Or maybe, I actually did. Maybe at some point I felt happy, I just didn't know. Of course what do I even expect,
I have an amnesia.


perhaps I was naive enough to genuinely think that this so called amnesia would be a blessing in disguise and cure me from my past.

But I am wrong

I do have an amnesia. However, I have a certain memory that I still remember. Memory that is nothing but a thing I purely despise. I still question it until today,

Why isn't it the one that got erased?


Out of every memory I have, it is as if the gods or whatever deities in those higher dimensions are playing me. As if universe had decided to put 'unlucky' as the main theme of my life.

As if they chained me down, the pain of my past clings to me and restrains me.
I am inside this dark hell of a memory that I can never seem to get out of.

Like a carefully made trap created not only to entrap you but to ensure that you are also incredibly tortured in the process.

(Warning : Violence,Abuse,Trauma,Swearing)


I just got home from school today. I came home from my part-time job and I am very exhausted. Nonetheless studies and work went well today which is something I am grateful about.

I live with my uncle.

I flinched as the door slammed open almost knocking off the frame near the door, indicating that my uncle is here. I paused as I saw his state, cold sweats throughout my skin.

Oh no

He's drunk

"Where's your money?"

I took in a few breaths and tried to stay calm as possible. "I'm sorry, I don't have any money."

"What?!" He grabbed my hair and proceeded to slam my head on the wall, making me cry on the sudden impact.
"Stop f*cking lying to me you stupid fool."

I whimpered at his touch and tried to pry his hands of my hair. "I raised you and it is your responsibility to give all of your money to me, do you understand that?"

"Now give me your money!"

I sucked in my breathe and tried to suppress my sobs, "Uncle please, I told you I don't have any!"

He then harshly threw me down the floor and grabbed my bag. I was crying from immense pain as I look at him flip my bag making all of the things inside fell on the floor.

"N-no.. not that.." I said with a hoarse voice.

"What is this?" he said gritting his teeth.

I gulped, nervousness washing through me. The envelope that contains the money I worked hard for my tuition is now in his palms.

He began to grab my hair again, "So you're lying now huh?"

A piercing slap echoed through the room.

He clicked his tongue kicking me on my legs. My body trembled from pain, wishing for all of these to stop. I groaned as he started to drag me outside, barely feeling my legs as he brings us to the bridge next to our house whose underneath is a

deep water.

"I'll teach you some lesson you little—"

With everything happening so quick, there I was, feeling the harsh wind hitting me as gravity pulls me down.

I'm falling,

I'm dying.

Suddenly, my head came in a harsh impact against a rock as I felt water slowly hug my almost lifeless body. Pulling me down, starting to drown me in the process.

I can't move, I can't do anything.

I'm so tired.

This may finally be the peace I have been longing for.

My end.

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