Chapter 015

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Seoul Detention Center - 9:27 pm

'Who would visit me here?'

The guy had his eyes intensely looking at the officer, carefully watching his surroundings while the officer handcuff him.

"Who's it?"

The officer gave him a shrug and proceeded to lead him.

No one had ever visited him ever since he got detained, puzzled expression evident throughout his face.

His curly hair covering his eyes. Face pale and lifeless, with his eye bags darker and more prominent than ever.

They stopped at a certain room. The officer motioning him to sit on the chair.

A glass parting him and his visitor, was the first thing he had seen. Yet seeing the man on the other side just made him want to break that glass and strangle him right there. His blood was boiling.

But he kept his cool, no emotions could be seen. Like a mask hiding his true emotions. Very opposite to what was going on inside his head.

"How are you doing Minhyung?" His visitor started, trailing his eyes on him.

Minhyung leaned back on his seat, playfully roaming his eyes at his surroundings. "Honestly, I'm kinda enjoying it here." Nodding to himself, flashing his visitor a mischievous grin, looking back at him.

"You are indeed crazy"

"You're right. I am crazy." Minhyung leaned closer to the man in front of him, lowering the volume of his voice.

"I killed her cause I got annoyed." He tilted his head at him. "Could do the same to you."

Minhyung's unwavering smirk never left his lips as his visitor tightened his stare at him.

He scoffed, laughing at his words. "You can't kill me, Minhyung."

"Oh can I really not, Taehyung?"

Taehyung had his facial expressions hardened for a second before returning Minhyung's smirk.

"Oh well," He said standing up. "I'm visiting your niece's grave after this."

"She died an awful death but as we both know, she deserve that." Taehyung stated while fixing his necktie. "Falling off a bridge. Poor girl."

"Anyways, anything you want me to say to her?"

Minhyung thought to himself for a second, flashing him his smile after he finally figured out what he wanted to say. "Rot in hell."

Taehyung nodded at him. "I'll tell her that."

As the door closed and Taehyung's presence was no longer found, Minhyung snickered. "I was talking about you. Dumbo"

He stood up turning to the officer, "It's done."

"You actually have another visitor, come with me." Minhyung shot him a quizzical look.


"When the hell did I became this famous." He muttered to himself.

"Who is this other visitor now?" Minhyung asked the officer, slight irritation noticeable in his voice.

The officer didn't even spare a glance at him, continuously walking making Minhyung roll his eyes. "Whatever."

He didn't even want to talk to anyone, he is good with the comforts of his own presence without any sorts of socialization involved.

And the fact that the officer pulled him out of his cell without his precious consent, well that was an exaggeration of course.

But, to say that he got not just one, but two visitors in a day made his head pound especially seeing his previous visitor ( which is Taehyung ). Though he still wondered who might the second visitor be.

"Go in."

He stepped inside the dim room, knitting his brows together as he watched the unfamiliar woman sitting on the table.

"Who are you and why am I here?"

"Take a seat in front of her." The officer ordered him making Minhyung throw him a look. Nonetheless, he obliged to do so.

As he made his way to her, the officer closed the door leaving the two alone.

"Again who are you and why am I here?"

He stared at the person in front of him, but nowhere in his memory says that he knows her.

Her slightly teary-eyed met his. "It's me, Sora."

Minhyung threw her a look of disbelief, scoffing a loud laugh.

"Mark please"

Minhyung instantly stopped, his face falling snapping his eyes at her.

"I'm in disguise, Mark"

His eyes widened, heart beating exceptionally fast. His first time feeling this after a long time.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you"

"That's an amazing disguise, I couldn't recognize you." He avoided.


"Anyways, you have seen me right? My purpose here is done." He stood up, walking towards the door so that he can leave.

Sora was quick to grab him, putting several printed photos on his hands.

"That's her, she's doing great Mark, she has been recovering well." Her voice cracking as she said so.

Minhyung sighed, exasperatedly running his fingers through his hair. Clutching the photos in his hand, finally looking down at it.

He checked them one by one before giving it back to Sora.

"Mark, what if I tell her about you?."

He abruptly turned to her, making her flinch. He grabbed her shoulders, fire in his eyes. "No."

"Didn't I say to not mention anything to her so that her memories would never come back!" He exclaimed. Feeling his veins about to pop out.

"We've done what we can, but you know that there's still a possibility of her memories coming back Mark!" She argued back.

"Then I don't know. Send her out, fly to another country, whatever it is. Make sure that if she actually gets back her memories, it will be impossible for her to go back here." Minhyung felt stress gradually reach its peak. His head hurting from the situation.

He turned his heels so that he can leave again. But Sora ran to him, back-hugging him.

At this point, Sora couldn't take it anymore. It hurts so much.

Her pent up feelings were all coming down. She can't even fight to hold back her tears anymore. Her grip around Minhyung's waist getting tighter.

Her loud cries and Minhyung's harsh sighs were two things that could only be heard inside the room. Heavy feelings turned into a melancholic melody.

He grabbed her arms taking it away from him. "What the fuck are you doing Sora."

Minhyung pushed her to the table, leaning to her face. "Isn't any form of touch not allowed here in jail?"

"I could easily kill you, you know."

"And may I just remind you. I killed your daughter." Minhyung whispered before finally leaving the room. Leaving Sora alone weak on her knees.



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