Chapter 032

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No one really knows the past of the "Lee's". Everyone just woke up one day and they got to see the two children with a baby.

Their secret were kept and sealed inside their house and mouths. Not even Sora, their hyung friends, nor their other family members know what's up.

So the moment Jaehyun came to their house and had a tea talk with Mark, the boy was contemplating.

He could see how the older's under-eyes darken and how his face were starting to resemble a stressed skull.

The handsome-but-exhausted officer would never shut up about the case he was yet to solve a.k.a the previous 'Birth Fire'. He told Mark how he gained new light and new hope just when he knew Yeonjun is a survivor. But how can a child give a statement anyways? Yeonjun at that time was barely a year old, how would they interview such kid?

Jaehyun groaned, banging his forehead on the table. "I desperately need anything to further this case— an evidence, witness, whatever. Who is this red suit man.. have mercy on me."

Mark tensed. A witness.

Isn't that him and his brother?

Everything he saw and heard were the keys to solving the case. They were there when the killer successfully killed Mia's father after telling them to run, he heard the killer's voice, he remembers how tall he is, and most importantly, he saw his face.

Every perceived detail was engraved to his mind like a text in a gravestone. A traumatic experience he'll surely bring with him beyond his lifetime.

Do I tell him?

"Hyung, m-me." Jaehyun quizzically looked up as he sees the young boy whose eyes were closed tightly. "What you?"

There is no going back now. After learning about these accidents happening in their city lately, he feared for their safety. He was scared that it was the previous killer's doings and that the killer may be hunting someone. So this may help. Telling what he knows to Jaehyun. Maybe this will protect them more.

"I'm a witness."

"Mark what the hell are you talking about?"

The boy bit his lips. "Hyung I saw him... the killer."


Mark breathlessly looked towards Jaehyun whom was getting off his seat. "Don't move Mark, I'm not going away. I'll just get my notepad."

Mark slumped down. Trying to assure his self as he pondered upon every possibilities. Was he even doing the right thing, for their safety?

His eyes caught another pair of orbs across the room by the door.

Haechan. What exactly was he communicating with him?

His brother's eyes expressed fear, hesitancy, and protectiveness. Mark was able to understand his disapproval, but he has to take risks now.

'Trust me, let's trust this.' He mouthed to his younger sibling, but Haechan just ran back to their room.

And now Jaehyun is back. He held Mark's arms and reassuringly tapped his shoulders.

"Mark Lee, do you promise, that everything you will say is the truth?"

Mark replied with silence, allowing Jaehyun to read his expressions.

He was in the verge of tears. Sure, remembering or even trying to remember something traumatic like that would send the boy's mind in a rollercoaster.

But he had to stay strong. His childhood was replaced with responsibility, so he had no chance to act like his age.

He can't be indecisive like other kids whom has their parents that can help them, he has none of that. After all, now, he is the parent.

He can't be too slow nor too scared, or else danger will rise and conquer.

"Yes. I do, I promise.."

Jaehyun nodded. "Now, what do you know?"

Mark looked down. "It was that night, right after the Maternity Clinic exploded. Me and Haechan were outside, w-we.. we just came from the grocery store."

"You know, when we saw the ex...explosion we were shocked and stood there for like, a few minutes. We.. freezed due to the situation. And and then.."

"A man.. he came running to us. He looks like he was in almost 30 or in his 30s I think. H-he... he was full of wounds and I learned that he came from the clinic which just exploded."

"Apparently, he was being... chased. He told us to run so we run and hid."

"And then there's this man... the same man you.. you guys reported on tv. H-he killed... in front of us.." The boy was out of breath, everything was clashing on him at the same time.

"Please, calm down."

"Did you see how and where this guy was killed?"

"Yes! In front of our court... he-he dragged the body with him after. But before that, he stabbed him repeatedly.. after that he took off his mask."

"Did you see his face, can you describe it?"

"I did. He was lean, tall and very good-looking. He has a quite of an elongated eyes? I didn't get to see his hair fully I just remember it being a bit curled.. and he has um.. I think a rounded nose, the bridge was high.. He looks like someone in their 20s? I don't know at that time he just.. looks entirely sinister."

"Did you see anything else?"

"I don't think so."

Jaehyun smiled. Holding the younger's hand and whispering thank you.


"Can you not tell anyone that I'm your witness?"

Jaehyun questioningly raised his brows.

"The killer... He saw us."

"He did? How?"

"There..." Mark looked away. "We accidentally made a noise. But we were able to run really fast and hide so he lost us."

"Alright. I will do my best to protect you and your family's identity."

And then, Jaehyun left.

Mark was closing and locking their door, when Haechan suddenly spoke up.

"Liar." Mark abruptly looked towards the direction of the voice.

"You left out every detail about our baby. Isn't that important?"


"And Mia cried, that is why the killer saw us right?"

"That was to protect her."

Haechan's eyes soften. Mark always noted that his brother were surely incredibly wiser than his age and he was thankful about that. "I know hyung, thank you for doing that."

"I thought you would tell about Mia."

"If you did that, I would pack our things and punch you and leave you."

"What the hell." And yeah, Haechan was 10 at that time.

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