Chapter 041

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It was as expected.

But he didn't know that it would be this fast.

10:30 pm on the clock, everyone was popping their dance moves and giggling to no end.

As if the joy in the dance floor were true. They tried to mask everything. Forget any worries with a colorful dance.

Yeonjun sat in the back. Watching everyone mindlessly again.

He wondered. How much time is it left before they throw the bucket of colors at him?

He looked at the door. Imagining her figure run away, slowly disappearing. Something that he wasn't able to see.

He wondered again. When would they realize that she is finally gone?

Her presence became like water, something no one could grip. She slipped away the moment he tried to held her.

Like a clock he remained in his place. Only the sound of 'ticktocks' his heart makes was audible to him. He watched the scenes unfold before his eyes.

From the evening where they threw the colors at him, to the midnight where everyone fell asleep. In the morning where their anxiousness kicked in. And the afternoon came, they started to search and search.

"Well I don't know and I don't care." Lies. It was as if his second language is lying. He spew lies because that is all he ever knew.

"What do you mean you don't know? You were her partner!" Soobin grabbed Yeonjun's collar, almost ripping the shirt with his tight grip.

"I don't need to repeat myself to you." Yeonjun pushed Soobin. Eyeing him before going in his room.

The door slammed in front of Soobin. His fist clenching tightly, almost swinging to the door but he caught himself.

"No, you can't be gone."


Moon Cemetery | 5:21 pm

"HAHA look it says RIP Lee Minhyung but you're right beside me." Chenle clapped. His high-pitched laughs echoing to the quite literally lifeless place.

Mark rolled his eyes, throwing in a lollipop in his mouth.

Months. Many months have passed after his so called 'death'. He was supposed to rot in jail forever, that was his plan.

But Chenle's sweet tauntings and offerings in the prison made it hard for him to decline. Come to think of it, how would he protect his niece without any sort of power, said Chenle before. So he agreed. Especially when the enemy is on the move, he had to do something, he had to change his plans.

Now they're in front of his tombstone. Carrying their agreement as he became the fine criminal's 'bodyguard'.

The wind calmly blew. Mark stared at Chenle whom was crouching in front of his grave, fixing the flowers.

Ever since their first encounter, thousands of questions have been running through his mind.

He cleared his throat.

"Why are you helping me?"

Chenle looked up, pointing to himself. "Who? Me?"

"Yes. Why are you doing all these things? How do you know a lot of things about me?"

Chenle stood up. "Alright I'll tell you the story."

"Make sure you are not joking or else.."

"I'm not!"

"So here's the deal, I was strolling around your neighborhood, looking for properties to buy and some sorts. But then I saw just a sinful crime. They were 'bam'ing heads here and there, gun pointing this and that, screaming, pushing, running, crawling, it felt like I was watching some sort of an action or horror movie! And then I called help. The end."

Mark's face dropped. 'He meant us? He saw everything?'

"Come to think of it, I called help to help the two of you but you went to.. jail? HAHAHA"

Mark took a step back. Recollecting images from his bitter memories.

He was so dizzy at that time. But he was trying his best to get his niece off the perpetrator's arms. His vision was blurred, head pounding every second, but he kept trying. That is until his body collided with something and the next he knew his niece was falling.

It was like a huge slap on his face. His vision suddenly cleared up, his dizziness went away along with his breath. There were no other people around him, the man disappeared.

Mark shook his head. "Of course I should be in jail. I didn't mean to, but she.. fell because of me."

Charmolypi || Yeonjun Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt