Chapter 125

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Annabelle stood blankly, then gave a strange expression.

Ian breathed in a rough breath and spoke mournfully.

"I... I thought I was going crazy because I thought you might get hurt."

It was true.

Ian was insane the whole time he ran all the way there.

Not only did he fall in love with Annabelle's honesty, who even made a difficult confession, but his heartfelt like it would burst as he recalled that she liked him.

But when he thought that she could be beaten by a foreign criminal who drank illegal drugs, he really saw nothing in sight.

When he ran like crazy and arrived at the Smaho forest, what he saw was Annabelle, who was desperately cutting bamboo, barely avoiding Lagian's sword.

Ian was afraid that she might be attacked by him, so he would not be able to say 'I like you regardless of that'.

His heart was impatient, and he knocked down Lagian and poured out what he had been wanting to say to Annabel for a while.

"You can hit and curse as much as I want, or rather, I would be grateful if you would, so please don't say that you will leave my life...."

"...Hey, hey, just stop!"

Annabelle called out quickly.

Of course, Ian, who did not know anything, continued.

"You said you like a common sense person. Even if it goes against common sense, I will also tell you the truth. I'm jealous even when your sword is pointed at someone else..."

"Aaaaah! I'm telling you to stop! Stop talking! Please!"

Annabelle ran quickly and covered Ian's mouth with her hand.

Because she was aware of what was going on.

"Oh... So, wait a little bit and say it!"

Shouting out loud, she added.

"This bamboo forest itself is the origin of the last black magic! And this bamboo forest has the power to make humans unhappy..."

The bamboo forest was still thick and the wind was blowing consistently towards the capital.

Annabelle was speaking her words in an almost weeping voice.

"I mean, the conversation is being delivered right now to the capital city!"


It was a moment when everyone except for Annabelle hardened.

Even Carlon and Robert, who were clinging to the cliff, stopped breathing.


Of course, everyone in the capital also hardened.

At that time, most of the people were talking about Ian.

Lagian started praising Ian, and everyone expected Ian to be the main character of today's awards ceremony, so the story could not come out.

~"It is said that the Empress obtained illegal drugs. It probably went to this guy."

Due to Ian's voice, the previous illegal drug commotion became a fact as it was.

However, the conversation that was more chilling continued next.

~"I cast acceleration magic with the magic crystal in my house..."

At those words, the leader of the magic tower, who was in the VIP seat, abruptly got up and shouted at Braden.

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