Chapter 80

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"No, where are you all going?"

Robert jumped off the white horse with a bewildered look on his face.

Of course, I was also quite embarrassed by his appearance.

Because I naturally assumed he was hearing reports about Caronda from Ian, who must've just entered the palace by now.

"Ah... I see the star of the Empire, Prince Robert."

My family, who were about to get on the Duke of Wade's wagon, were all stiff and hurriedly bowed.

"Stop the useless formality."

Robert said as he looked around the cluttered Rainfield Mansion.

"What's going on?"

There was a subtle urgency in his tone. It was as if he was very worried.

I blinked my eyes and answered slowly.

"I'm going to stay at the Duke of Wade for the time being. I'm worried about the safety of my family. But why is the prince here..."


At that moment, Robert muttered with a bewildered expression on my face.

"That... I thought you had arrived in the capital because the jewel in the ring was broken."

I was speechless.

If you thought I had arrived in the capital because the jewel in your ring was broken, you could've just waited patiently. Why did you come here like a madman?

'Why didn't you even go to the Duke of Wade's? Wasn't it more burdensome to come to a commoner's house rather than a duke's house?'

However, I couldn't ask, so I held back the question.

When I didn't answer, Robert added shyly.

"You arrived safely... I also want to see it with my own eyes. I've been worrying quite a bit over the past two days."

"Hey, I thought it was an hourly alarm because the jewels were flashing every moment."

I answered with ease, but I was a little confused, so I had to avoid his gaze without realizing it.

I was worried about you saying such things...

Robert, too, did not say anything more. Then Aaron, who was rolling his eyes between us, intervened quickly.

"I will take my parents and go to the Duke of Wade first. Sister, come back after this."

It was a wise intervention. This was because we were not the only ones here.

My mother and father were already confused by the word "ring".

I immediately pushed Aaron's back because I remembered the words that they wondered if it was marriage to the Imperial Family like last time.

The atmosphere was strange to me now, but it was obvious that my family would take it ten times more seriously.

"Okay, you should take them. Now clear your head of anything weird and shut your mouth." (Annabelle)

"My head is complicated and my mouth is dying to flutter." (Aaron)

"Hurry up and go before I tell you to get lost." (Annabelle)

"You can go to the duke's alone, right? Oh, come to think of it, you often went alone for eight years. I said something silly."

Robert intervened.

Indeed, it was more difficult to maintain composure because it was the appearance of the prince, not anyone else.

"See you later then."

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