Chapter 92

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There were two reasons that I aimed at Richard.

The first was just because he was cheeky.

I expected it, but he was very relentless in provoking me.

I thought he could get hurt a little because he was a bad guy.

The second was to drive Carlon into a corner.

He was in a hurry, so he wasn't the type to slowly look at the situation and then respond.

Once he set his goal, he had to finish it quickly.

Richard's injury will likely urge Carlon to act fast.

"I heard that the administration has a lot of work these days."

Robert added anxiously, and the emperor clicked his tongue with an embarrassed expression.

"Oh, come to think of it, that's right."

Robert immediately said with his sparkling green eyes at the emperor's reaction.

"There's someone with talent I wanted to recommend. Your Majesty has seen him before because he's the son of Shrida."

"You mean the young man from the North?"

"Yes. Why don't you let him in as a support staff?"

Carlon's complexion began to deteriorate rapidly.

This was because there had been many official documents being manipulated by Richard.

"Okay. Tell him to join starting tomorrow, right away. Is he still in the capital city?"

"That's right. Then I'll give him instructions right away."

The emperor nodded coolly, and Carlon's face now turned blue.

This was because it was obvious that there would be a problem if Robert's person came into the administration and dug things up in earnest.

'You'll think it's the end, probably.'

Looking at Carlon's face, I was confident in myself.

'But I'll slowly show you that it's not the end.'

When it came to black magic, there was only one way to drive out Carlon, who never left evidence.

For the third 'origin of black magic', I had to set the trap first.

And this was the first step in setting that trap.

"Anyway, this is how the duel ended."

Robert smiled and looked around the people in the banquet hall.

"An unexpected accident has occurred, but it is not enough to break the excitement of the banquet because it is not life-threatening."

It was true that the excitement of the banquet was broken, but no one said anything about it because the main character was still in a good mood.

"Your Majesty, I'm happy to return this handkerchief safely."

I untied the handkerchief I had hung on the sword handle and handed it back to the emperor.

"It was such an honor to be able to fight for your honor."

"Oh, my..."

The emperor couldn't hide his excitement as he accepted the handkerchief and breathed heavily.

No, I was the one who succeeded, but why was the emperor making a triumphant face...?

"I watched a duel in my honor... I got my handkerchief back too..."

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