Chapter 121

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People on the way from the capital to the Smaho Forest witnessed a very strange sight.

"Huh? Is it possible for a horse to go that speed?"

"Maybe something happened to the tower or the Imperial Family? I think acceleration magic was casted."

"Well, I've seen horses enchanted with acceleration a long time ago, but... It wasn't that fast."

A well-groomed black horse was running with its rider at a formidable speed.

The speed was so fast that the human eye could not even recognize the figure of the rider on the horse.

"That looks like a huge emergency. Unless you mobilize a few archmages, you won't be able to achieve that speed."

The people who witnessed the horse running at great speed murmured with anxiety.

"Did something really happen?"

"Come to think of it, Prince Robert and his party went there a while ago. Saying that they were eradicating black magic."

The person who had a glimpse of the rider because of his excellent vision also added seriously.

"I couldn't look closely at his face, but his expression was very serious. He seemed almost half crazy."

So Ian was rushing into the Smaho Forest, worrying many people.

Annabelle confessed to him. She said she liked him too.

Then, confessing the mistakes of the past, she disappeared with the misunderstanding that 'Ian can't like me'.

She didn't even give him time to convey his feelings, saying that he should safely participate in the swordsmanship contest.

Besides, now her life might be in danger.

This was because her nemesis, Lagian, who would encounter her in the forest, would have strengthened his own abilities with illegal drugs.

At first glance, Lagian's skills at the banquet were quite good. If it was the old Annabelle, she couldn't win.

And even now, the difference between their skills wasn't that big.

Besides, she had one fatal weakness. She had never hurt anyone with her sword.

The only person she'd ever wanted to harm was Ian Wade, who had never been significantly hurt.

The problem was that he knew that Annabelle could not even get a scratch on Ian in any way.

When she actually had to cut someone with a sword, seriously injuring or killing them, she couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

Until now, she had been able to properly knock them out with her overwhelming skills, but it was only possible when the difference in skills between them was huge.

Ian couldn't hide his anxiety and kept kicking his horse on the side.

Just in case, if Annabelle was in danger...

Ian's thoughts kept turning in the wrong direction, as he hadn't heard that Annabelle had directly instructed Aaron about the illegal drugs.

Robert couldn't be a variable, and the knights he had been dragging around weren't going to be of help much either.

"Huh? Ian?"

By the time he got to the forest at a crazy speed, it was already around noon, after a full day.

At the entrance to the Smaho forest, the knights that Robert had dragged were crowded together.

Since the entrance was in the opposite direction to the capital, the wind from the bamboo forest did not reach there.

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