Chapter 37

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My heart felt like it tightened and my whole body trembled.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Oh my gosh!"

"How did this happen?!"

The square was plunged into a melting pot of chaos.

"Oh my God! What the hell is this?!"

It seemed that even the High Priest himself had forgotten that it was the day he would retire.

"Caitlyn, you crazy woman..."

The Marquis of Abedes was breathing heavily with an absent-minded look.

"Lanella... That wretched thing should be punished for arranging affairs with Caitlyn!"

Marilyn slumped down and muttered.

I asked quietly, conscious of the dagger I was holding.

"...Where is that woman?"

"A week ago, something suddenly happened, and she arranged all of her property in the capital and left."

Marilyn exclaimed, dripping with tears.

"Come to think of it, she sprung up as soon as the rumor that you were taking your paternity circulated!"


Things that I hadn't thought of because I was in a state of panic began to come to mind one after another.

"Everyone...see you later. And Marilyn, I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry."

I pulled out my dagger and ripped the hem of my dress so that I could run.

"For now, I will go catch Reid."

Fire flared in my eyes and anger welled up.

As soon as I spat out Reid's name, an uneasy feeling swept over my body.

My paternity test was a huge topic of discussion in the capital all week.

From then on, Reid certainly behaved differently.

I thought it was because he was worried that I wouldn't be able to win first place in the swordsmanship contest.

But when I thought about it, it was obvious that the secret would be revealed, so it seemed like it was because he was trying to figure out the future.

'If Reid knew it all...if he was told that he and I were not brother and sister...'

Then he would've left like Lanella a week ago.

But he was awkwardly sitting in the mansion until this morning, so there were two possibilities.

The other was that Reid didn't know that we weren't blood related...

'Assessment of property. '

He placed a lot of bets here and there and played with money quite a bit.

Therefore, he had to hold out as long as possible to recover as much money as possible.

Still, just in case, he ran away.

Maybe he hadn't gone too far yet.

'This motherf***er.'

In the meantime, it has been a while since I last swore.

I grinded my teeth countless times, but somehow I had to endure it because I thought it was not okay to do this between blood relatives.

However, the fact that they were not my blood relatives made me realize it was a waste of time to hold back.

'Caitlyn died too gracefully. After putting so many people in pain, she enjoyed everything, lived up to her name, and then ended up in an accident.'

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