Chapter 41

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"The slave black market owner here is Reid's best friend. He must have been hiding here."

"Oh, I see! So can we just sneak in and find Reid?"

Aaron frowned and asked.

He didn't even ask how I knew this place.

I must have been on good terms with Reid from the outside, so he seemed to think that I was a similar human being.

"So what are your plans to find that person?"

"For now, we have to pretend we came to buy a slave. Anyways, here we have to wear masks to keep each other's identity a secret, so we won't have any problems entering."

"It's really amazing that I can do something illegal as soon as I find my sister."

Aaron replied excitedly.

"If I hadn't grown up in the Duke of Wades, I would've quickly become evil because I would've had more fun... No, I cannot be tainted by my sister."

"That's a good thing."

I sighed once and continued.

"Anyways, we're going to get the owner of this place. And if he doesn't tell me where Reid is, I'll have to kill him."

"It's just plain kidnapping and intimidation. All right."

Aaron hesitated and added.

"But this is a scene of obvious illegality, so shouldn't we be accused of it? As a member of the honorable knights of Wades, I feel a sense of responsibility..."

"I will file a complaint tomorrow."

I said clearly.

After all, Ian, Robert, and Cessianne were going to destroy them all tonight.

It was enough for us to act independently.

Well, maybe we would run into each other, but I didn't know.

"Then where do you get the mask?"

"This is a general store. Buy it here."

"Uh... It's pretty lame, isn't it?"

"It's not like we're overturning this place... It'll be enough to deal with one person quietly, so it's okay to be a little relaxed."

So, Aaron and I bought masks at the general store.

Of course I had no money.

I poked Aaron in his side at the checkout counter, and he took out his wallet and paid.

After putting on our masks, we found the secret door behind the general store building and knocked on it.

"Who showed?"

With a blunt voice, an old woman wrapped around a twisted apron opened the door.

I said the code quickly, as in the original text.


"Come on in."

The old woman suddenly straightened her back and politely put her hands together.

Aaron whispered as he entered the secret passage.

"Isn't the password simpler than I thought?"

"It's not that simple... The color of that old woman's apron changes from time to time. It means it's not a place you can just easily sneak in."

"Oh oh."

Aaron could not hide his admiration and continued.

"It's the first time I've been to such a bad place, so I'm a little excited. It was amazing to have a hidden gangster sister."

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