Chapter 12

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Robert's eyes widened and he looked genuinely surprised.

"Yes, that's why I came here to eat..."

"...I see."

I was going to boldly tell him that it was okay if he expressed his pity on me.

I came here alone not because I didn't have friends or family...

But I still came by myself.

I quickly admitted it and decided to just look pitiful.

Surprisingly, however, he did not ask why I came alone on my birthday.

Instead, he called the waiter and handed over the menu again.

"May I give you a birthday present?"


"The meal was a way of saying thank you for what you did before, and this is your birthday present from me. Here's the menu with the wine list, just pick something."

Obviously, I could read letters, but the list felt like it was made from an alien language.

"If I had known it was your birthday, I would have ordered better wine earlier... I think dessert wine would be good since we're done eating, right?"

"Why wine..."

"It's sad if you don't drink on your birthday."

I was not sure what the logic of this world was, but I received an unexpected birthday present.

I glanced at the menu and found that everything was very expensive.

"If you're having trouble, pick this."

The name of the wine he pointed to would most likely be forgotten by tomorrow, but the price was really high.

'What kind of wine is the price of a meal?'

The waiter brought wine according to Robert's order, and thinking that a bottle had the same price of a decent course meal, my will flared.

'I have to drink it all.'

After taking a sip, the sweetness tasted pretty good.

I never drank it before, and it seemed like it would be okay if I drank it like a drink.

This place had good wine too.

"Now, Miss Annabelle. Happy birthday."

Robert raised his glass and smiled enchantingly.

I looked at him with a slightly moved face.

"Oh my... Prince, this is the first time I've received a birthday present."

Actually, it was my first time drinking alcohol too, but that wasn't important now.

"It's the first time I've ever heard someone tell me happy birthday too."

At those words, Robert's brow furrowed slightly.

I must have looked really pitiful this time.

"Thank you. Really."

Either way, I said it with all my heart.

"Prince... I hope every time you catch a mosquito for the rest of your life, it's before you get bit."

"Oh my gosh."

Robert was so moved by my words that he even blinked his eyes.

"Such a delicate blessing..."

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