Chapter 62

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[3rd Person POV CONT.]

Rayburn glanced at Lanella as he was writing the letter.

"But will it be okay? Oscar..."

"It's fine. I'm sick of Rainfield now."

Lanella answered bluntly.

"I don't like Oscar anymore. It's all a thing of the past."


Rayburn giggled as if it was funny.

"Did you change the route to Nick after all?"

"Shut up. You haven't been successful since then."

Nick, the twin brother of Oscar, bought the title a few years ago and became Lord of Caronda by the name of 'Nick Averson'.

The black magic that Rayburn could handle was to brainwash people and force them to have sex.

Lanella kept asking Rayburn all the time for her to marry Nick, the Lord of Caronda.

Lanella, who failed in her crush on Oscar, wanted to have Nick who looked like him.

"Now you have to get rid of Nick too."

Lanella said, grinding her teeth.

Originally, Rayburn also wanted to put Nick with Lanella in order to turn the lord into a puppet.

That was why Lanella and Rayburn settled in Caronda in collaboration.

But Nick was so slick that he didn't fall for black magic.

"That man is not normal. He has a dirty personality and is very suspicious..."

Rayburn shook his head as if to say something.

Totally celibate, he tended to never have a woman or a dog with him.

"It was really weird at the nursery too. Nick just wanted to stay with his younger brother. But that's not what's important right now."

Lanella continued speaking seriously.

"No matter how much Nick and Oscar don't talk to each other, if we ever get in touch, I'll be in trouble too. It's only a matter of time before Nick starts doubting me."

Rayburn gave her a serious expression.

In the meantime, he had easily concealed his identity by taking advantage of the relationship between Lanella and Nick, who both attended the same orphanage.

He was now running a good trafficking corp by tricking Nick, but it would be a different story if Nick started tracking Lanella.

Nick tried to catch this crime that had been rampant in Caronda until now, but failed every time.

His faith in Lanella, who had grown up with him at the orphanage, was blinding him.

But if he started to suspect her, everything might be revealed.

"Then I can't help it."

Rayburn's eyes twinkled and he murmured softly.

"We have to deal with Nick Averson too."


Nick became the Lord of Caronda for a very simple reason.

It was just because he had money and power.

Nick and Oscar, who were identical twins that grew up together in a nursery, were both handsome with a cool impression, but their personalities were the opposite.

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