Chapter 103

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"What are you hesitating for? You can't make excuses in front of me about being a commoner."

Because Leslie was a commoner, that was an excuse that could never be used.

"Well... That's..."

It was then.

"Miss Annabelle Rainfield! Cheer up! You will be able to enter the Imperial Family!"

"I support Miss Annabelle and the Prince!"

"We are behind Miss Annabelle! Never give up on love!"

Shouts were heard from afar.

It seemed that the commoners were screaming at the wall of Duke Wade's residence.

I rolled my eyes with a puzzled expression and said cautiously.

"But, Duke... I am already the main character of the really noisy rumors. Even the Duke of Wade will be involved in gossip."

"Leslie will like it."

"But the other party is the Imperial Family."

"If Ian and you marry, you will have chosen the Duke of Wade instead of the Imperial Family. It is an honor."

"You know my strength. I had no basic honor or nobility as a human being."

"How can you not understand yourself so well? In a broader sense, such things are more important than honor or nobility."

"If Ian gets married to me, everyone in the capital will think of him as a crazy idiot. No matter how sane you are, you are connected with an enemy who has been tormenting you for eight years."

"Ian deserves a glimpse of the bitterness in his life. It's going to be a big change in Ian's life when other people point their finger at him."

"Something is wrong with Ian, but I don't think I'm the type of woman that Ian likes."

"I don't know about that, but it's probably about 'a just and good man'. I don't think you're on the level to say that while you're destroying black magic."

"Besides, Leslie is my teacher. She was the first to reach out her hand when no one was by my side. I don't want to do anything to look hateful to Leslie."

"It doesn't matter at all. Because Leslie likes funny things next to the delicious things. You're like a mixture."

I caught my breath for a moment.

And as a test, I tried other words.

"Actually, I am an alien, Duke."

"Oh, I will finally see my half-alien grandchildren. I'm looking forward to it" (pr/n: Djfjjfjf Braden)

"Of course it was a lie."

"To be honest, it's perfect."

"Duke, are you kidding with me?"

"I have always dreamed of a daughter-in-law without hesitation. Especially since Ian is really boring. He's a kid who doesn't know how to joke."

So I realized that no matter what I said, my words are bound to be blocked like an iron wall.

"Miss Annabelle."

Braden smiled as if he knew everything I was going through.

"If Miss Annabelle really hates my offer, she only needs to say this to me."


"I don't like Ian. He doesn't look like a man. He's very unattractive."


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