25. The date night.

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She felt so much warmth penetrate through her body.She was already getting used to it the cozzyness.

To her,all felt like a dream.Weeks ago she was fuming with anger towards Elroy,they were like oil and water.

She was always sad,and now...now she is lying next to him,enjoying his presence with hope that it would never end.

Weeks ago,if you told her about all that,she would have laughed out loud.I mean,Mr.Alasdair??! naaaah!


Elroy got up from the huge white couch in his office and walked towards the glasswall,his hands deep in his pockets.
He stared outside,his mind in a rollercoaster of thoughts.

His thoughts were torn in between;Emma and his mother.

Ema,just the thought of her,made him smile.

Emma was his safe space,he felt content and calm whenever he was around her,something he has never felt around any other woman.

He knew he needed her,he needed Emma around him.
She made him happy.
Furthermore,he felt this need to protect her,to keep her safe,safe from harm.

Then there was his mother,she was like a snake,venomous.

Doesn't need to bite,to kill.With just a spit,she would take out anything or anyone.

He knew her too well.She would go to any extend to make anyone against her miserable.

She would kill without a blink of an eye.

Elroy understood the consequences that would follow if he did not marry Rebecca,he had signed the contract,he went through it and understood it clearly.

But then he was young,he had thought that he would never fall in love.

He thought he could settle with anyone his parents would pick for him.

He thought love never existed,that was from what he saw in his parents marriage.

With all that,it all fell to one conclusion,he had to let go of either of the two.

He had to choose between Emma and the company.He did not want to loose either of the two.

He had worked so hard for the company to be what it is today.

He could not let go of all that for just anybody.

But again,Emma was not just anybody to him.

Changing his thoughts,his mind went back to thinking about Emma,he had asked her out on a date and he looked forward to seeing her tonight.

With that thought,he had to get her a dress.He felt that he had to do it by himself without the need to ask Rian.

Emma was truly different,his mind flashed back to their conversation when he asked her out.
"Where to?"

"It will be a surprise..."

"I already said....."

"You don't like surprises,i know."

"i just don't want the media to see...."

"Are you embarrassed to be seen with me miss Kings?" i asked her jokingly.

"No" She replied,laughing at the statement.I really enjoyed seeing her in her happy state.

"I just don't want to be spotted in public...with you."

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